What Describes You In a One Paragraph Story Line?

I love to write and hopefully you get great results from this. Leave Comments afterwards on what you think! Enjoy! (PS- Each Paragraph is labeled from 1-7 If you're wondering at the results)

Toothless Rival
Created by Toothless Rival (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What Do you Consider Yourself as?

Favorite Color(s)?

What Are You Passionate About In Your Life?

How Do You Think About Love?



You stare closely at the black and orange sun. Its powerful rays glance a beautiful overtone against your skin. You embrace the suns kiss against your face and feel it empowers you with the one thing you lack the most, confidence. Confidence in yourself and throughout your whole life. The power of the light gives you this power making you above all other mortals in existence. Its power of confidence was bestowed to you and made you have a larger charisma and appearance of how you think of others and how you think of yourself.....

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You are in the back streets of Brooklyn. All alone and confused of what to do next. You have many potentials of making it in the dangerous environment when live in. You feel stuck and mentally lost in the pathway of life. You jumped off the train but are struggling to jump back on. The only thing keeping you out of pure misery is the taste of music. The rhythm and sound flow through you like the air blowing against your face. It's like your secret talent that fills your soul with power. One day, you sit by the streets and start singing cause you in a midst of bursting into tears of the constant of pain and failure and you sing to calm yourself. Someone notices your amazingly unique voice and asks "Who are you?" You answer "I'm [your name]" The stranger asks you to come with them. You do so. Your voice then was found on YouTube and on the top ten voices of 2017. You have an overfilling amount of potential, you just have to go out there and spread the news...

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You Lie in a world of pure focus and concentration. You become way too restive and spontaneously burst internally. You then feel that pain and realize what you've done. You weep and weep for the world has somehow turned it's back on you. The tears fall as you try to fly-by through life to just get it over with. You then have no idea now how to stop the constant shed of tears. But one day you have had enough of this mess. You look through your mirror to see if looking at yourself could make things seem better. As you sigh with disgrace, the mirror starts to sparkle as your environment darkens. Your slightly confused though yet curious to know whats happening. Your eagerness thrives inside you like a wild creature in the dark forest hungry for its prey. The sparkles turn into millions of stars surrounding you. Your amazed to take view of one of God's miracles. Then you notice the ground you once were standing on is gone. You start to get nervous and realize your not going to fall. As the environment constantly starts changing, you notice the mirror you were once staring at. You float towards the mirror and look at yourself. You though not see yourself but what you can become. It's more beautiful than you can imagine but its staring right back at you and it's exactly what your soul really looks like. You touch the mirror and opens like a door. You walk in and end up back where you started. That's when you know if you want to get back there, you need to work for it. You then say to yourself "But I have worked for it and I over worked!" It's about time that you need to know that you overworked for the wrong thing and all you need is the paint the colors of the black and white universe to take you back to your safe haven of paradise...

So what do you think? Leave comments below of what you think!



Your on the main streets of modern day Tokyo. You take breath of the amazing life you life as an artistic musician but you lack one thing that if shown through true colors could kill your reputation, staying yourself. You want to be many other people, even other people in America but you know you are what you are and fell mentally stuck. One day, an American musician comes to Tokyo for a vacation from work and has the same issue as you but through opposite worlds. You happen to bump into him walking through the streets while you were on your way to your next gig. You then somehow recognize him and he somehow recognizes you. You happened to be fans of each other! You then keep talking and you talk about your gigs in Japan and it happens to be his life long dream. He discusses the same thing about his American gigs and you have the SAME reaction. That's how trouble comes into play to switch lives for one week and see how it is for "fun" You both do so and as he was on his way to your big time gig you were on the way to the airport to get started in America. The week was coming to its final close and you were enjoying every minute of America as he was enjoying every minute of fame in Japan but things went wrong and it went wrong QUICK. BOTH of you and your friend were noticed by the FBI as impersonators of each other and lost EVERYTHING. Then, you were sent back to Japan and left to starve on the streets. Your friend didn't have enough money to be sent back to America and was stuck to starve on the streets of Tokyo as well. You then find each other and weep for you knew it was the wrong idea. Never trust your ego for it will bite you where it really hurts and that pain can last for a life time...

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You're stuck in a hole, no where to go. Horrifying it may be but it doesn't last forever. The hole your stuck in is a hole full of fear; Fear of failure and fear of losing it all. You let that fear take over you like the air that we breathe, it only eats you away. Someone then notices you in the hole because the other person has a beautiful heart and a pure soul and can see for who needs help to the tiniest of sizes. They ask if you needed help but you don't answer since you can't hear anything except for the hum of the demons that want to take you away. But the person finds a way to help you anyways. You then notice being lifted from this horrific curse and wake up unconscious looking at the hole you were just in. You turn back towards your savior and are speechless for you don't remember how to do anything. Your savior only says this "Well, you needed it, and all you have to do is look." You notice that your savior wasn't even a person at all but only your very soul that returns back to its home as the world around you lights back up again. You're are breath taken and take a look at this so called "new world" you're drawn into. People see you as a popular icon and there wasn't spot where you couldn't see the look of your face. You then realize that all that fear taking over you like that was for nothing and it only held you back from whom you really are inside. Stupid things can hurt you from doing things in the future, but you at least have friends to life you right back up and continue on...

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Your life is AMAZING. No one can deny it. You are the front of the headlines and are the starter of every conversation. It may be all perfect but your missing one piece of of the puzzle, love. That may seem hard to believe I mean you got love of you fans, love of your family, your peers, and your friends. But did you have a one true love? You never took time to think about it but with your fame career, it pops up every 2 seconds but you blow it off like its a silly fairy tale. But as life passes, you start to feel lonely cause none of your fans can give you love personally, it's what that keeps us alive. Being loveless only kills us inside. Only the loveless die with a broken heart...But the story is not yet over. You then take a walk in the forest to clear your head and have time to yourself. You hear someone coming from the other side of the brush of trees, you hide since you want to trick out the paparazzi like you've done many times before. That's when you realize that it WASN'T a paparazzi, only a guy with black hair, blue eyes, and a fan tee of yours with ripped jeans comes out of the brush. He looks lost and you look interested but then your facebook starts to overload with posts of fans that would drop if you don't have a love story to your fame. To start to get overwhelmed but you shut the phone down and look back where you saw this mysterious crush and can't find him, you worry for you thought this was your chance. That's when you try to find him, he found you. He ends up being on the same tree branch you climbed onto and says hi. Your startled and he laughs. He knew exactly who you are and started a conversation OUT of the tree as you two stroll around the Forrest. Then night came and you two are still talking. He then wants to ask you out and you accept. You start to smile and check back on your face book and see even more droppers than you thought. But since it's the way you are, you plan to surprise the crowd with the lover. You then continue to go on many dates with your crush and months pass as you're in this relationship. You then realize you have this party gig to star in. You tell your new boyfriend the news and the epic plan you have in mind. He was in. So the party was going on and when the crowed heard that you were coming on the party people booed at the sound of your name. You come on stage and announced that you wrote this song just for the occasion and started to sing. Then when the refrain came, your new boyfriend comes out of nowhere and sings the refrain. The crowd is shocked for he had an incredible voice. The you two started to have a couple duet moments here and there. Your audience finally starts getting other people to see what's happening. For now you gave the crowd exactly what they want and something only you needed to complete the puzzle to unlock who you really are...

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You are the very innocent one of your high school, Your too introverted to try out anything. You always are the daily patron of the corner of the cafeteria. It's a whole back hole your stuck in. You're not a failure in academics but it's like people barely recognize you as a regular individual. You then have had enough of it and over the summer you dock up your wardrobe with new trends. You take you looks to a whole new level of appearance. You dye your hair a dark brown from nerdy blonde. You replace the dorky glasses for regular contacts. As the summer came to a close, you finish up with a different name and you walk into school. You are the one thing people notice and are really interested in. You then get this constant attention and popularity of this amazing new kid for the whole school year. Then prom was coming up, the kid you've been crushing on has asked you out. You say yes but are afraid. You realize to yourself that he's not asking you, he's asking the different clone you. You had to make a move to prove who you are and fast. You then are stuck after school and find him all alone in the gazebo in the back of the school. You join him and he was really happy to see you. He cuddles you in his arms and talks about how happy he was to ask you to prom and you finally have time to chirp in and ask about if he knew her (not the clone). He knew her in the halls and kind of felt bad for her. Plus he never cared for dorky nerds and didn't want to say anything and asked you why you asked. You were afraid to answer but it was the right thing to do. You tell him that that girl happened to be her. Your prom date answers "Well that's ridiculous, how could you say something like that? You way to amazing and beautiful to be anything like her." You then tell him that you weren't kidding and you put your dorky glasses on and put your hair up like you did before. He was surprised and you said "Sorry if I acted like a fake but I really didn't want to be lonely anymore and wanted to have friends cause a life without friends to me feels like I'm dead." Your prom date then says "I, don't know what to say cause it still doesn't stop me from liking you. By the way you look so much better with your glasses." You're starstruck and are astonished by the results in the end. The next day, you come to school the way you were last year and walked around the halls holding hands with your prom date. The school is shocked and even wondered if he was cheating on his prom date or did he dump his girlfriend and who is THAT dork? He didn't care, he was still at least with the real you. You then went to prom together and it was about time that the school realized what was going on and was in a state of shock and like you even more! Never be someone you're not for it's going to keep you trapped in a hole of lies. Plus just being you is the best part of you in the first place....

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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021