Which Robot From "Futurama" Are You?
Which Robot From "Futurama" Are You?
Who are you in the bot lot?
Who are you in the bot lot?

Which would you rather drink?
What is your dream job?
How is your self-esteem?
Which "Futurama" non-robot do you relate to the most?
Which word describes you best?
What is your favorite thing to do?
Whose happiness is most important to you?
You are Bender Bending Rodríguez, a.k.a. Bender, one of the main characters in "Futurama." You are Bender because you both have the same laid-back, nonchalant personalities. You do not enjoy doing a lot of work, and would rather watch TV and drink some beer. Like Bender, you enjoy cooking, even if you are not particularly good at it, and music. Your chill personality causes you to be very patient because you know everything is going to work out. You think very highly of yourself and like to project that you don't have emotions, even though you do deep down.
You are Calculon, the greatest robot actor of the future! Calculon is idolized by Bender because he stars in a hit TV show, "All My Circuits," and many movies. You are Calculon because you would love to be famous. You come from humble beginnings but are talented and dramatic enough to make it in the entertainment industry. You have full confidence in yourself and would love to go through life like it was a movie and you were the star.
You are Hedonismbot, the robot that personifies hedonism (the pursuit of pleasure). You are this robot because you are unapologetically yourself and are not afraid of doing what you need to do to keep yourself happy. You enjoy food, wine, and the arts, like Hedonismbot, who is a huge fan of the opera. You are laid-back and not very energetic, but over-the-top and dramatic at the same time. You know what you want and often get it effortlessly.
You are Donbot, the head of the robot mafia. Donbot is the best-dressed, coolest robot on "Futurama." He is calm, calculating, and smart. Like Donbot, you are a great leader who knows how to get what you want. You love having power and people love giving you power because of your cool demeanor. You are also family-oriented and would do anything for the people you care about.
Reverend Lionel Preacherbot!
Reverend Lionel Preacherbot!
You are Reverend Lionel Preacherbot, the preacher who officiates/leads all weddings, services, and funerals, as well as aspires to be an actor, on "Futurama." You are Reverend Preacherbot because you are passionate. Whether it be about religion or something else, you defend your beliefs and put your all into what you care about. You are an intense person who knows what you want and are not afraid of being yourself!
Oh, yeahhh. You are URL, a peace officer for the New New York Police Department. URL is smooth-talking and cool and you have a similar bad-ass personality. Your aim is to keep the peace, but you can get aggressive when you need to. You are serious about what you do, and although you are somewhat clumsy, you portray an air of sophistication and class. Nobody wants to get on your bad side.