Which Day Drink Are You?
Which Day Drink Are You?
Are you a classic beer or a refreshing Pimm's Cup? Tell us which day drink you are with this quiz! www.trazeetravel.com
Are you a classic beer or a refreshing Pimm's Cup? Tell us which day drink you are with this quiz! www.trazeetravel.com

Do you like your drinks with fruit?
Are you associated with a particular region/country?
Are you a summer drink?
Do you come in a lot of varieties?
Do you like a salty taste?
Sangria, the summer beverage of wine, fruit, sugar and brandy, originated from Spain and Portugal before spreading around the world.
Nothings beats manning the grill at a summer barbecue with a beer in your hand.
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary
The classic tomato beverage is touted to be a hangover remedy.
Pimm's Cup
Pimm's Cup
England's classic summer drink was originally a gin-based liquor to be used as a health tonic.
The classic tequila cocktail has numerous origin stories, the most widely accepted being it was created by Don Carlos Orozco of Hussong's Cantina in Esenada, Mexico.