What Little Lunch character are you?
What Little Lunch character are you?
Are you as flippy and flexible as Tamara or as sensible and smart as Debra-Jo?
Are you as flippy and flexible as Tamara or as sensible and smart as Debra-Jo?

Let's start off easy, are you a boy or a girl?
What do/did you like to do at lunch time?
What's your favourite subject at school?
What kind of friends do you look for?
What's do you want to be when you grow up?
Lastly, are you good or bad? (Behaviour)
Mrs Gonsha
Mrs Gonsha
You're Mrs Gonsha! The 'gang's' teacher. You're always there when the students need you, you'd even climb up a firemans pole to save someone! You're brave, smart, are wise and everyone thinks you're the best teacher in the school!
You're Tamara! Little Lunch's sporty character, you can be found either running, doing gymnastics or playing on the monkey-bars. You are stubborn, smart, brave athletic and beautiful and you are not afraid to stand up for what's right.
You're Debra-Jo! The smart one. You are quite the character! You especially love Art, you are incredibly smart, loyal, funny and calm except sometimes you let school-work get in the way of friendship! But all-in-all you are a great person.
You're Melanie! You're shy, and funny but also SOO kind and loyal. You're one of the best characters in Little Lunch. Sometimes you let your big imagination run away with you but that's okay every now and again.
You're Rory! The cheeky one! You have quite the brain, you sneak out of class to go to the girls toilets! Steal people's lunches! And swear at people! But hopefully your behavioural modification plan is working out for you! You may be a bit stupid at times but you end up telling the truth and being honest one way or the other.
You're Atticus! You love to be the boss of people and also help them. You have quite an appetite for success and business but you can be a little competitive to impress people. You are smart, and very funny- considering your dad's 1001 golf jokes! 😛
You're Battie! Your first thought may be: 'What kind of a name is that?' Well it is his name. Battie/you are kind, shy and like to keep to yourself, every once in a while you will socialise with other kids but you would really rather right your 'Strethco' stories in your head.
(Stretcho is a super-hero he made up)