What's your DNA Ancestry Based On What You Look Like?
What's your DNA Ancestry Based On What You Look Like?
We have the answers.
We have the answers.

What's your eye color?
You are mostly of European decent
You are mostly of European decent
You're passionate and full of energy, making you popular among friends. You have the ability to love deeply, and you sometimes don't think before you put your heart and soul into your relationships. Your strong sense of ambition means you will do well in your career. This, however, is offset by a fiery temper and a lack of patience. Work hard at keeping a balance in your life and you'll go far.
You are mostly of African decent
You are mostly of African decent
You are a peaceful, well-balanced individual with a natural beauty many people envy. You take everything in your stride and have a laid back attitude that keeps you from feeling stressed. Your kind nature makes you the perfect shoulder to cry on, and your friends value you for your soothing, well-balanced approach to life. You feel close to nature and are happiest in the fresh air, so watch out for jobs that coop you up indoors for too long.
You are mostly of Asian decent
You are mostly of Asian decent
You are dignified and impressive without being showy. It's important for you to appear mysterious when meeting new people, but you should make sure that doesn't mean that no one gets the chance to know who you really are. Whoever gets the privilege to see deep into your soul will find great hidden depths and many beautiful colors inside.
You are mostly of Native-American decent
You are mostly of Native-American decent
You're quite pure and innocent and have a cheery, happy personality.
You certainly don't mind standing out from the crowd. Your sense of individuality reflects in your effortless attraction to the opposite sex. You like to stay in good shape and to eat healthily, and find it easy to make money in your career. You can sometimes be a little money hungry, and your youthful good looks can make others feel a bit jealous. Don't take yourself too seriously and you'll be fine
You are mostly of polynesian decent
You are mostly of polynesian decent
Your cheery personality means you light up a room as soon as you walk in. You love to be the center of attention and thrive in big social situations where you can really shine. There is a warmth about you that draws people towards you, either as friends or as lovers, and your boundless energy means you can always find a way to make everyone happy. Be careful of your childish attitude and eternal optimism though, and you'll do just fine!
You are mostly of Meditarrean decent
You are mostly of Meditarrean decent
You are a strong, independent person with a deeply spiritual side that few others possess. You like to keep your most personal feelings to yourself, and can come across as a bit mysterious and secretive at times. Your friends and lovers have a great respect for you, and your quiet wisdom means you are often the person they come to with their problems. Don't forget to make time for yourself too!
You are a truly polyethnic!
You are a truly polyethnic!
You are cool as a cucumber and unflappable even in the most stressful situations. You can be quiet, but you never come across as shy. You have a serene peacefulness about you and project a sense of confidence and wisdom to everyone you meet. However, you don't suffer fools gladly and will not tolerate liars. It takes a while to build your trust, but once it is won, you are a loyal and wonderful friend to have.