10 Everyday Weird & Wonderful Heroes
10 Everyday Weird & Wonderful Heroes
"Know someone who is weird or wonderful? Recognize them for the True Key Weird & Wonderful Awards for the chance to split $10,000! Visit www.1in7Billion.com for more details."
"Know someone who is weird or wonderful? Recognize them for the True Key Weird & Wonderful Awards for the chance to split $10,000! Visit www.1in7Billion.com for more details."

The Pizza, Ballpit, Rat Lady
“It's not really fair to just pick one category, because really, Kathy is BOTH "weird" AND "wonderful." How many people have a ball pit... in their living room? Or bring a Sasquatch costume when they visit Joshua Tree? She makes her friends gasp with surprise and glee - creating magic that makes us all feel like a kid again!”
The Bright Green Bride
“She is so weird that she dyed her hair bright green for her wedding. She is a spiritual person who thinks it is her responsibility to save the world from pain and suffering. She is truly weird, but also wonderful at the same time. Oh, and at the same time she has a baby on the way. She is about to be raising 4 beautiful little children and being a super wife to her husband Justin.”
The Musical Role Model
“Dave is a member of the DeLaSalle String Band Orchestra. There are about 30 members, ages 50 and up. They welcomed my 10 year old son as a member and have shown him what it's like to have a father (he lost his when he was just a year old). They show up to his events, they encourage him in his efforts, and they are his number one fans (aside from his adoring Mom). I've never seen a group of people with bigger hearts than these guys and we're so thankful for all they've given to us.”
The World's Best Doll Dad
“There is no one person that is like Ford. He truly is originally weird. So gloriously weird. He's actually not mentally unstable, but you would never guess based off his social media presence. Which is what makes the man so darn hilarious. Some people even degrade and try to scold him on social media, because he commits to his love of being weird. They can't tell he's joking. He loves to take his children (who are creepy dolls) on adventures, and he makes bizarre YouTube videos. And so much more.”
The Inspiring Optimist
“He was diagnosed in June 2016 with a severe vision loss condition and will eventually go blind. Instead of giving up, he is now a spokesperson for the illness by doing multiple events to help people deal and learn about the illness. He even returned to college to find a career to adapt to his vision loss. Everyday he stays positive and inspires others while battling a incurable vision loss. Roger is truly a wonderful friend.”
The One-Eyed Telepath
“He's pretty cool, he only has one eye, but also has an identical twin so he uses telepathy in order to see out of his twin’s eyes. He's like the three eyed raven from Game of Thrones, except with his twin instead of Hodor. He also uses his telepathy to deep sea fish and attract all of the Mahi-mahi. Honestly I don't know how he hasn't been elected President yet, because he really is smarter than George Bush and he’d make a better reality star than Donald Trump.”
The Friendly Fitness Instructor
“Jason is weird and wonderful but there was not an option to recognize him for both! He has an amazing outlook on life. He has a traumatic brain injury so he lives life to its fullest. He is so wonderful that he has devoted his life to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals because he believes that it helped save his life. He volunteers his time for underprivileged kids hoping that training them in fitness will help them achieve their own goals. Jason loves to make other people smile.”
The Super Weird Dad
“He is the weirdest dang husband, friend, and dad who ever walked this earth. At this very moment, he’s sitting behind me “Hulk ripping” off his work shirt because he discovered a tear in it... and he's now using it as a cape. If that doesn't scream weird, well, let me know and I can give you a dozen more examples. Like how he lets his tongue hang out of his mouth when he's playing metal music or dances everywhere he goes. The weirdness is real. It is so real and it is wonderful.”