How Will You Go To Heaven?
How Will You Go To Heaven?
Ever wondered how you will leave this mortal coil? Well now is your chance to find out!
Ever wondered how you will leave this mortal coil? Well now is your chance to find out!

Choose one word to describe yourself.
Which of these activities appeals to you most?
How many times a day do you wash your hands?
What is your favorite colour?
What is your aspiration in life?
Pick a number quickly!
Where would you most like to spend the night?
What is your favourite dish?
Old Age
Old Age
You will live a happy and healthy life until the time is right. At least you will get the most out of life and pass away peacefully. R.I.P.
Health problems
Health problems
You take everything that life is offering to you and try to make best of any situation while having maximum fun. However, our body isn’t programmed to be in a constant tension. You’ll pass away from a heart failure or any other body malfunction but with a smile on your face as you enjoyed every second of your life.
You're curiosity just gets the better of you sometimes. You are full of energy and your crazy ideas may lead to an explosion of the universe. What did your parents tell you about being careless and reckless?
You will live forever!
You will live forever!
You are a smart & kind person. Your genius brain found a way cheated death. You will live for centuries in hearts and minds of people who were cured thanks to your innovative treatment methods.