Star Wars: What is your Force Power?
Star Wars: What is your Force Power?
I've seen so many quizzes about being on the Light or Dark side of the Force, but what is your actual talent with the Force? Are you a master of Jedi Mind Tricks, Force Healing, Force Telekinesis- or Emerald Lightning? What if you're the really amazing Jedi that can sense the FUTURE? Find out what your good at here!
I've seen so many quizzes about being on the Light or Dark side of the Force, but what is your actual talent with the Force? Are you a master of Jedi Mind Tricks, Force Healing, Force Telekinesis- or Emerald Lightning? What if you're the really amazing Jedi that can sense the FUTURE? Find out what your good at here!

How do you handle a disagreement with someone?
What's your favorite subject? (I can't put some subjects because they won't correlate with the results, so just pick the best, even if your personal favorite isn't here)
Where would you like to vacation? (Read each option carefully before you choose)
What's your favorite food?
What is your dream career?
What are your impossible dreams? (Wishes that are hard to get)
What would your Jedi or Sith career be?
Finally, what power do you want to result as?
Jedi Mind Tricks
Jedi Mind Tricks
Nice! You can influence others (For the use of good) to make the right choices! You probably also love learning about the brain to! Be proud of your ability! But remember, never use this power for profit or gain. (Some facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace) Now that you know what Force Power you have, take a Star Wars Poll: or take a quiz to see if you are a Jedi or a Sith: Please Subscribe! : )
Force Healing
Force Healing
You can save others' lives on the brink of death- using just your hands with the Force! You can do this instantly, so be glad you can do this! You can also heal your self too, like during a battle, and so this Jedi Force power would come in handy! (Some facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace) Now that you know what Force Power you have, take a Star Wars Poll: or take a quiz to see if you are a Jedi or a Sith: Please Subscribe! : )
Force Telekinesis
Force Telekinesis
You believe in the Force so deeply, and you always know magic exists, even if others don't believe it. Others say the Force is magic, but in your heart you know it is no more real than anything else. You also probably love physics too! For these reasons you got telekinesis- which is amazing! Be happy of your Jedi ability! Now that you know what Force Power you have, take a Star Wars Poll: or take a quiz to see if you are a Jedi or a Sith: Please Subscribe! : )
Alter Environment/Living Force
Alter Environment/Living Force
Nature is your middle name!
Alter Environment- This is the ability to use the Force with the natural elements. You can use this to summon a whirlwind, lightning strike, a pillar of fire, or direct hailstorms and crashing waves on your enemies. (Facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace)
Living Force- You can do plant surge which can bring about thorny vines from the ground to ensnare enemies. You can also control plant growth, and increase food production for the public. (Facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace)
Be proud of these abilities of Nature! Now that you know what Force Power you have, take a Star Wars Poll: or take a quiz to see if you are a Jedi or a Sith: Please Subscribe! : )
Non-violence is what you go by in everyday choices. You try to make peace with others, instead of battle causing deaths and injuries. You are a very calm Jedi, and therefore, it is very hard for a Sith Lord to turn you to the dark side. In fact, it is merely impossible. You Meditate a lot, and save the lives of millions in the Galaxy. Be glad of your ability! (Some facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace) Now that you know what Force Power you have, take a Star Wars Poll: or take a quiz to see if you are a Jedi or a Sith: Please Subscribe! : )
Emerald Lightning or Force Grip (Force-Choking) or Force Storm
Emerald Lightning or Force Grip (Force-Choking) or Force Storm
You are one with the dark side of the Force, and most likely a Sith Lord or Sith Apprentice.
Emerald Lightning- Most famous user was Darth Sidious. This is the ability to spray deadly blue Force lightning from your fingertips to kill or torture opponents. (Some facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace)
Force Grip- Most famous user was Darth Vader. This is the ability to use the Force to choke others to their death.(Some facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace)
Force Storm- Most famous user was Darth Sidious. This is the ability to use the Force to open a hyperspace wormhole, which send shockwaves though space. It can kill entire worlds. (Facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace)
The only ability positive out of this is an interest in physics. Physics is great, but try using it for the Light. Now that you know what Force Power you have, take a Star Wars Poll: or take a quiz to see if you are a Jedi or a Sith: Please Subscribe! : )
Jedi Psychometry/ Jedi Seer
Jedi Psychometry/ Jedi Seer
You live off the past and future!
Psychometry- The ability to use the Force to sense the past of an object. Example, if you meditate and place your hands over a lightsaber, you can tell who had it last, and if you're really powerful, you can see the full event that happened long ago. This is the Force's memory. Facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace.
Seer- The ability to see the past and future, understand how the Unifying Force binds Space and time, see events that are happening far away, and the gift of extraordinary knowledge. You are also responsible for the Prophecy of The Chosen One. Facts taken from "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace.
You are one very amazing Jedi! Now that you know what Force Power you have, take a Star Wars Poll: or take a quiz to see if you are a Jedi or a Sith: Please Subscribe! : )