How do we know that the time has come to separate
How do we know that the time has come to separate

Many couples often have problems and get used to living under conflict so sometimes they do not distinguish between a crisis and the real need to separate. We can say that a couple ceases to be so when the relationship begins to become threatening and unsatisfactory, when intimacy and respect for themselves are lost, hvornår ved man at man skal gå fra hinanden; they begin to worry about what is missing in the couple, focusing on observing the negative and the needs that are not covered.
When the couple loses the horizon and feels that they lose reasons to live with the other person, this process of deterioration of love begins that for many ends in the break. There are other aspects that indicate that the relationship is worn out and that hvornår ved man at man skal gå fra hinanden, in many cases, are the cause of a breakup of a couple. Indicative that the relationship is no longer such:
- When the three elements of the couple: self, you and we do not participate in a dynamic and balanced interaction. When one of them drowns the possibility of the other.
- When love dies due to lack of nutrients. Couples let themselves be filled with obligations and cannot find a way to nourish their loving expressions.
- One of the first manifestations of heartbreak is the loss of body contacts. (eye contact, stop looking at each other with tenderness, with approval, with pleasure, the caresses become mechanical and obligatory, the kisses cease to be deep and are translated into expressions of greeting or farewell, the love phrases pass into oblivion).
- The communication becomes confused, aggressive, and full of assumptions and misunderstandings. Each adopts a position that prevents him from establishing a sincere and open communication expression.
Most couples who end up in separation have not managed to meet expectations either of themselves or of the other. It is likely that they have idealized how a "perfect" couple should be and have struggled uselessly to obtain it. The perfect couples do not exist, there are human beings whose way of acting, of feeling, of getting excited, of proposing life, is pleasant for the other; it does not have to be the same as the other.
When the lack of love arrives
In other cases, couples simply fall in of love and remain trapped in an unsatisfactory relationship for fear of changing their lifestyle, losing their routines, their children, and housing or having to face everyday situations alone, losing the security it provides an organized, routine and relatively stable life. The fear of change appears, of loneliness and decisions.
But once they take the step, many discover that they can overcome the changes, and even benefit from them; who are perfectly capable of living alone and enjoying the company of oneself; that the advantage of making your own decisions is that before doing so you ask yourself what you want and you begin to listen to your wishes and needs, which leads you to please yourself in every day-to-day gesture.
In the end, with these types of decisions you not only value and practice your freedom and self-esteem in that search for your happiness, but also allow the other person to have the opportunity to be happy and to meet the needs and desires that they did not see as a couple.
If after analyzing it a lot, you come to the conclusion that you are not going through crisis, if you feel that your relationship has reached this point where there is no illusion for the relationship and the only thought of being together in 10 years it drowns you, maybe it's time to be sincere and generous with yourselves to give you back the life that you are taking away.
At that time you must worry, hvornår ved man at man skal gå fra hinanden, because a break is not the end of life but the beginning of a new stage in which you have the opportunity to pursue your illusions.