Which Rotom form are you?
Which Rotom form are you?
Are you one with air? OR ice? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you one with air? OR ice? Take this quiz to find out!
First question! Pick a Disney quote!
Mario or Luigi?
Do you watch any sort of TV?
Pick a rock.
Wash Rotom
Wash Rotom
You are Wash Rotom! You are the happy go-lucky kind of guy, and you like to have fun!
Mow Rotom
Mow Rotom
You got Mow Rotom! You are the wild one, and can be a little crazy at the wrong time.
Fan Rotom
Fan Rotom
You got Fan Rotom! In most (or maybe all) situations, you are able to keep your cool!
Heat Rotom
Heat Rotom
You are Heat Rotom! You are the one who likes to get creative and interact with other people. It's fun to be around you!
Frost Rotom
Frost Rotom
You are Frost Rotom! You are the one who doesn't probably get noticed a lot, but yet, you are desperate to be noticed. You have a shot!