Which Cherub Song Should be Your Next Jam
Which Cherub Song Should be Your Next Jam
Take this quiz to find out which Cherub song describes your life and will make you say "ehmagawd this song is totally about me".
Take this quiz to find out which Cherub song describes your life and will make you say "ehmagawd this song is totally about me".

Are you in a relationship?
What's your typical Saturday night like?
If you were an animal what would you be?
What is your favorite food?
What word best describes you?
Doses and MImosas
Doses and MImosas
You a fancy betch! When one describes your life the word "decadence" comes to mind. You love luxury and hate haters. So tell the haters "I hate you too" and sip your champagne because your just too fancy for them anyway.
Go listen to "Doses and Mimosas" by Cherub, it's basically you're life in a song.
Come to Ackerman Grand Ballroom November 11 at 8:30 to hear Cherub play your jam live.
Monogamy is not for you. You describe yourself as a "one-man wolf pack" and sometimes let out a douchey howl when you're feeling yourself.
Or...you a single, INDEPENDENT lady who don't need no man to hold her back.
Either way, you are young are fun, and the song "Monogamy" by Cherub is SO YOU.
Come to Ackerman Grand Ballroom November 11 at 8:30 to hear Cherub play your jam live.
Chocalate Strawberries
Chocalate Strawberries
You are sweet as sugar. Your positivity is contagious. You wish you could bake a cake full of rainbows and smiles and everyone could eat and be happy. Go listen to "Chocolate Strawberries" by Cherub, it is sooo you.
Come to Ackerman Grand Ballroom November 11 at 8:30 to hear Cherub play your jam live.
Do I (Where We Are)
Do I (Where We Are)
You're fresh out of a relationship. Turn on "Do I (Where We Are)" by Cherub and dance around with your bad self. Things will get better because "the tiiiiimes are changing". You are on to the next.
Come to Ackerman Grand Ballroom November 11 at 8:30 to hear Cherub play your jam live.