Which Warrior Cat Clan Do You Belong In?
Which Warrior Cat Clan Do You Belong In?
Ever wondered which clan you would be in if you were a clan cat? Well, here's your chance to find out!
Ever wondered which clan you would be in if you were a clan cat? Well, here's your chance to find out!

Which of the following do you like the most?
Favorite Color?
Peace or War?
Pick an animal!
Biggest problem in the world to you?
Pick an Element
Pick one word to describe yourself
Best part of the internet?
Last question! Pick the one that stands out the most to you
You are a ThunderClan cat! ThunderClan cats are fierce and brave. During peace, they respect the other clans. In battle they are fierce, courageous, and loyal.
ThunderClan cats eat mice, voles, squirrels, the occasional rabbit, and small songbirds.
They are talented in stalking prey.
ThunderClan lived in the thick oak forest in their old forest home. Now they live in a thick forest by the lake.
Significant Cats- Bluestar, Firestar, Tigerstar, Whitestorm, Graystripe, Longtail, Darkstripe, Cinderpelt, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Dovewing, Lionblaze, Leafpool and Squirrelflight,
You are a WindClan cat! WindClan cats are swift and loyal. They are fiercely loyal, tough, fast-running, and easily offended cats. They are nervous and quick to flee, due to the lack of cover on the open moor.
They eat mainly rabbits.
They lived in the moors of the old forest territory and still live in the moors of their new lake home.
They are fast, lean and swift. Their normally dull pelts blend in with their grassy surroundings, so they have good cover while hunting.
Significant Cats- Tallstar, Onestar, Crowfeather, Whitetail, Deadfoot, Ashfoot, Heathertail, Breezepelt and Nightcloud.
You are a RiverClan cat! RiverClan cats are clever and strong. They are contented, sleek and well fed. They have long fur and glossy coats. They love beautiful things and often collect rocks, shells, and feathers for their dens. They do not fear water.
They eat mainly fish but also water voles, shrews, and mice.
They are strong swimmers and they can move silently and scentless through the water.
Back in the forest they lived on an island in the river. Now, at the lake, they live on a tucked away piece of land surrounded by two streams.
Significant Cats- Crookedstar, Graypool, Mistystar, Stonefur, Oakheart, Leopardstar, Silverstream, Feathertail and Hawkfrost.
You are a ShadowClan cat! ShadowClan cats are wily and proud. They are battle-hungry, aggressive, ambitious, and greedy for territory. It is said that the cold wind that blows across the ShadowClan territory chills their hearts and makes them suspicious and untrusting.
They eat frogs, lizards, and snakes that live in ShadowClan’s boggy, peaty territory. Back in the forest, sometimes they even ate crowfood from the Twoleg dump.
ShadowClan cats hunt by night better than other Clan cats and are skilled at stalking unseen through the undergrowth.
In the forest, they lived in a swampy pine forest. Now at the lake, they live in a thick pine forest.
Significant cats- Blackstar, Boulder, Yellowfang, Brightflower, Raggedstar, Clawface, Russetfur, Nightstar and Littlecloud.
You are a StarClan warrior! StarClan cats are the wise ancestors of the clans.
StarClan is the home of the spirits of all cats' warrior ancestors. As each cat dies, they are visited by a member of StarClan, usually a cat they have known before, and taken to join starbound warriors.
StarClan is represented by Silverpelt, the sparkling swath of stars that stretches across the sky. StarClan is made up of cats from all Clans; however, individual cat-spirits retain their old loyalties and watch over cats from the Clans they used to belong to.
Clan cats look to StarClan for help and guidance, but ultimately StarClan does not control what happens to the Clans.
You are a SkyClan cat! SkyClan cats are agile and determined. They are private, thoughtful and unlikely to initiate hostility against other cats or Clans.
When SkyClan lived in the forest, they were the most likely to seek a peaceful solution to interClan disputes, and consequently were often accused of cowardice by the other Clans.
Their prey consists of birds and squirrels. Songthrushes are a particular favorite.
SkyClan cats have a unique ability to jump high into the air, with strong hind legs and lean, lightweight bodies. This enables them to leap into trees that lack lower branches, and where birds and squirrels might otherwise feel safe. Once in the tree, they can climb swiftly and move confidently along the smallest branches.
The SkyClan cats used to live where the Twoleg Place is now in the forest. Now they live in the gorge, away from all the other clans.
Significant Cats- Leafstar, Sharpclaw, Echosong, Cloudstar, Buzzardstar, Fawnstep and Birdflight.
The Tribe of Rushing Water
The Tribe of Rushing Water
You are a member of the Tribe of Rushing Water! The Tribe of Rushing Water is like a Clan that lives in a mountainous area, most notably the "Cave of Rushing Water," a large cave hidden behind a rushing waterfall.
Their beliefs are similar to the beliefs of the Forest and Lake Clans, but are not exactly alike. They believe in an afterlife much like Clan cats, although it is in a different area of the sky from StarClan and is called the "Tribe of Endless Hunting."
They only eat one meal a day.
Tribe Cats are mostly smaller and leaner than Clan cats, and smear their fur with mud to camouflage with the rocks. It also helps them to keep warm at higher altitudes, and can be a coating.
They eat large birds of prey.
Significant Cats- Fallen Leaves, Rock, Half Moon, Stormfur, Brook Where Small Fish Swim, Talon of Swooping Eagle and Teller of The Pointed Stones.
You are a Kittypet! You live with Twolegs and don't belong to a clan. Occasionally, Kittypets join the clans. They are known for being lazy and stuck in twoleg homes.
The clan cats have strong feelings toward kittypets, so they'd most likely attack you if you saw them.
Even though you don't have as much freedom and acceptance, you don't care and you love your life with twolegs.