Which Disney Castle Should You Live In?
Which Disney Castle Should You Live In?
Find out what's your ideal fairytale house according to your character!!!
Find out what's your ideal fairytale house according to your character!!!
First of all, what sounds just like you?
What's your favourite Disney movie out of these?
Which civilization would you like to belong to?
In which style would you decorate your house?
Pick the yummiest picture.
Where would you like to live?
Describe yourself in one word.
What's your favourite hobby?
What kind of weather do you prefer?
And finally, pick a picture.
Ariel's Castle (Atlantica)
Ariel's Castle (Atlantica)
Ariel's Castle is the Palace that suits you best!! You're a person full of curiosity and creativity, always up for explorations and adventures!! You adore discovering new things, travells, and changes! No one will ever get bored with you!!!
Jasmine's Castle
Jasmine's Castle
The castle you should live in is Jasmine's Castle!!! Just like Jasmine, you are a really interesting person, full of new ideas and fun!! You are extroverted and you seek for learning. Following your heart is something very important for you , no matter what will stand in your way!!
Elsa's Ice Castle
Elsa's Ice Castle
Elsa's Castle is the castle that suits your personality best!! You have a really unique character, filled with mysteries and secrets. You are the one who always break the rules and follows his/hers intuitions, no matter what the cosequences will be. Full of mystery and darkness, you are a person who everyone wants to meet!!!
Merida's Castle
Merida's Castle
The castle you should live in is Merida's!!! Bravery is your second name, as everyone around you knows! You are a strong and independent person, full of energy and lust for exploring the unknown!! So pack your things and move to Scotland immediately!!!
Belle's Castle
Belle's Castle
Belle's Castle is the castle you should move in!! You really care about your loved ones, friends and family, and you are able to do whatever it takes to help them. You always pay attention to the inner world of everyone you meet and you never get stuck on the outside.
Cinderella's Castle
Cinderella's Castle
Just a pumpkin, some mice, birds and a little bit of... magic!!! Cinderella's castle is the place you're looking for!!! You have a really big heart that's open for everyone. Your compassion and limitless love are your best traits. Follow this path and your dreams will come true!!
Rapunzel's Castle
Rapunzel's Castle
Rapunzel's Castle is the palace you should be born in!!! You seek for adventure and happiness!!! You are the ultimate optimistic person and you never give up on your dreams, no matter how impossible or unachievable they seemed at first.
Sleeping Beauty's Castle
Sleeping Beauty's Castle
Could you imagine life without your fairy-godmothers, your lovely forest friends and your handsome prince???Alright, you may encounter some...obstacles in your way, like evil witches or dragons, but you have the heart and courage to go on!!! So, the only thing left is to move to your new home!!