What Army Rank Are You?
What Army Rank Are You?
Will you be in command or following the orders?
Will you be in command or following the orders?

How would friends describe you?
What's your first thought when assigned to a group project?
Let's pretend you're in Medieval times and your castle was under attack. What would you do?
What was your ranking in a school club?
Choose a Lion King Character
What are your thoughts when asked to speak in public?
What's a weakness of yours?
You find out that an essay is due tomorrow. What's your reaction?
What happens when things don't go as planned?
What do you think of deadlines?
You're going to meet your friend at 6:00pm. When do you arrive?
Pick what best describes your room
What role would you rather be in the school system?
There's a super long line to get your meds. What do you do?
Choose your weapon
What would be your reason for joining the army?
Choose a Game of Thrones Character
You're being tortured to give up highly confidential information. What do you do?
A member of your squadron is injured. What do you do?
What role in the play would you take?
You're new to this army thing, aren't you? You're at the lowest rank and your main duty is to follow orders and perform them to the best of your ability. You have some skills to improve upon before you're able to lead others, such as your social skills and learning to step out of your comfort zone. You will fall down many times, but if you have the strength to pick yourself back up. And, you definitely have the potential to work your way up the ranks!
For more military fun, go to: http://uniformstories.com/
You command lower ranking soldiers who look up to you, so you try your best to set a good example. You may be lower down in the ranks, but you have the biggest impact towards those who form the backbone of the Army. In this position, you will acquire new skills to help you become a more competent leader and be able to one day, manage a larger team.
For more military fun, go to: http://uniformstories.com/
2nd Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
Your leadership skills and bravery have earned you a platoon of soldiers to command. You're one of the best in the battlefield, and know that it takes a team to be victorious. If you apply yourself and learn more about military strategy, along with attaining more experience with leadership roles, maybe one day you will have thousands of soldiers at your command!
For more military fun, go to: http://uniformstories.com/
You have all the qualifications to become a great leader! You're not afraid of taking charge to ensure that the job gets done in the best way possible. Your patience, bravery, and communication skills have earned you a top spot in the Army. You are the brains behind the operations of an entire geographic area, and that's a good thing. They need you!
For more military fun, go to: http://uniformstories.com/