Solo: A Star Wars Story Quiz
Solo: A Star Wars Story Quiz
So you think you know Han Solo? Well this quiz is designed to seperate the Jedi masters the from the laser brains
So you think you know Han Solo? Well this quiz is designed to seperate the Jedi masters the from the laser brains

Han Solo is from which planet?
Han Solo met Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi for the first time in which cantina?
The Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than how many parsecs?
How many credits did Han want to take Luke and Obi-Wan to Alderaan?
Han's nemesis Greedo was a member of which alien species?
What cargo, belonging to Jabba the Hutt, were Han and Chewie forced to dump when confronted by Imperials prior to A New Hope?
Han claims the Millennium Falcon can achieve what speed past lightspeed?
Which docking bay does Han keep the Millennium Falcon in on Mos Eisley?
What bounty does Jabba put on Han and Chewie after they fail to pay him back?
What type of blaster pistol does Han Solo use?
What docking bay do the Imperials pull the Millennium Falcon into on the Death Star?
While fleeing the Imperial blockade over Hoth, Han accidentally hid the Millennium Falcon in what?
Harrison Ford improvised which iconic line in The Empire Strikes Back?
Han was frozen in what substance at the end of The Empire Strikes Back?
Han commandeered which stolen Imperial shuttle in The Return of the Jedi?
Who flew the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor?
What rank did Han Solo achieve in the Rebel Alliance?
Following the Empire's defeat Han started which company?
Who stole the Millennium Falcon from Han Solo?
What was the name of the ship Han and Chewbacca flew after they lost the Millennium Falcon?
Which dangerous animals was Han smuggling in The Force Awakens
Han Solo and Princess Leia named their son...
What were Han's last words?
How old was Han Solo when he died?
Harrison Ford thought Han should die in which film?
Which American actor was Han Solo inspired by?
Which of the following organisations was Han Solo not a member of?
In the first draft of Star Wars Han Solo was described as...
Which of these actor's didn't audition for the role of Han Solo?
Who shot first?