Unicorn quiz!
Unicorn quiz!

Okay lets start off this "magic" quiz!
Are you ready?
What do you do in your spare time?
Okay what kind of magic do you work with?
Okay pick a tint
Pick a sweet treat!
What did you think of my quiz?
Your the Pure unicorn!
Your the Pure unicorn!
This type of unicorn is not realy common.
this means your a pure and your kind of a big deal
in the unicorn world.
Your the Natre unicorn!
Your the Natre unicorn!
the Natre unicorn is a type of unicorn that spreads life and hope.
I bet you LOVE the out doors!
Your the more evil unicorn....
Your the more evil unicorn....
I see..... the "boss" might recruit you in a later time...
Your the gracefull sky unicorn!
Your the gracefull sky unicorn!
Un-like the others your a type of alicorn
Your one of the few kinds of unicorns who can fly!
Unciorn quiz!