15 Things that Take Longer than Filling Out OU Scholarship Genius
15 Things that Take Longer than Filling Out OU Scholarship Genius
We understand time is a precious commodity. That's why we created OU's new Scholarship Genius. It gives you the power to find your estimated potential award in just 45 seconds. So why not try it? Still not convinced? Here's a list of things that take longer than finding your estimated potential award using OU Scholarship Genius. genius.ou.edu
We understand time is a precious commodity. That's why we created OU's new Scholarship Genius. It gives you the power to find your estimated potential award in just 45 seconds. So why not try it? Still not convinced? Here's a list of things that take longer than finding your estimated potential award using OU Scholarship Genius. genius.ou.edu

Getting Coffee
Whether you make it yourself, order via Tapingo or stand in line the old-fashioned way at your favorite coffee shop, it will take longer to grab the perfect brew than it will take to fill out scholarship genius. Good at multi-tasking? Check genius.ou.edu whilst you stand in line. Wins all around!
Your Group to Show Up for a Class Project Work Session
Ahhh, group work. Sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's a struggle but either way, it's usually a lot of work. Why not see how much scholarship money you qualify for while waiting on the rest of your group to show up. At least something can be struggle free.
The Walk Signs on Lindsey
You're trying to get to the South Oval (or another part of campus) or from the South Oval to the Caf. The only thing in your way? The walk signs on Lindsey. As you stand in wait of the beautiful light that will allow you to get to your next destination, you could have consulted Scholarship Genius.
Pedestrians Crossing at Lindsey
On the other side of the token are the people in the vehicles. As soon as pedestrians get their beacon of light, it's now time for the drivers to wait. DO NOT attempt to consult Scholarship Genius from behind the wheel. Make a mental note to do it later. See all those students on their phones? They're probably checking Scholarship Genius.
Getting to the Front of the Dessert Line in the Caf
Sweet, sugary temptation. How we long for you and while you are worth the wait, what if you could also see that you qualify for sweet scholarships? You can! That's right, in less time than you can decide which La Baguette delicacy you want, you could check your potential award.
Your friends to get ready
Such a glorious and sacred past time of many youths. While this classic ritual can and should be fun, the fact that it can take a long time also rings true. In the time it took to get that perfect barrel curl or pop your collar just right, you could have checked Scholarship Genius.
Reading this List
Ha! Though we hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as we enjoyed writing it, our deepest and most profound hope is that you will use Scholarship Genius for assistance in paying for college. Remember it can tell you what you potentially qualify for and then all you have to do is visit scholarships.ou.edu to fill out the OU CASH application. But won't it be nice to know what it's for?! Go forth, Sooners! genius.ou.edu is waiting for you.