OU Pop Quiz: Do You Know Your Deans?
OU Pop Quiz: Do You Know Your Deans?
We know our deans as the heads of their respective colleges, but do we know where they came from and what they're doing now? Test your knowledge of our deans and directors here, and get the inside scoop on these awesome leaders.
We know our deans as the heads of their respective colleges, but do we know where they came from and what they're doing now? Test your knowledge of our deans and directors here, and get the inside scoop on these awesome leaders.

Dean of the College of International Studies, Suzette Grillot, Ph.D., has a podcast on KGOU. What is the name of the podcast?
Where did Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Kelly Damphousse, Ph.D., grow up?
Dean Ed Kelly of Gaylord, College of Mass Communication, was senior contributing editor at which publication?
Which publication did Dean of the College of Engineering, Thomas Landers, Ph.D., write guest columns for?
Where did Daniel Pullin, J.D., Dean of the College of Business, earn his MBA?
Where did Gregg Garn, Ph.D., Dean of the Jeanine Rainbolt College of Education, receive his doctoral degree?
Which OKC landmark did Interim Dean of the College of Architecture, Hans Butzer, MA, design?
Dean of Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences, Berrien Moore, Ph.D., received which of the following awards?
The Department of Aviation Director, Ken Carson, MA, has logged over how many multi-engine international flying hours?
The Melbourne College of Earth & Energy Dean, J. Mike Stice, Ph.D., got his Master's Degree from what university?
Mary-Margaret Holt, MA, Dean of the Weitzenhoffer College of Fine Arts, studied under which famous prima ballerina?
James Pappas, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal Studies, is also the Vice President for the University Outreach. Approximately how many participants are served by the OU academic outreach program that he oversees?