Do You Belong in The Good Place or The Bad Place?
Do You Belong in The Good Place or The Bad Place?
I haven't seen this anywhere here and yet there's so much Good place stuff... so here you go.
I haven't seen this anywhere here and yet there's so much Good place stuff... so here you go.

First question:
Do you take your socks and shoes off on an airplane?
(And no,not every question will be taken from the show.)
Will you be answering all of these questions honestly?
Have you ever purposefully broken a promise from a friend or family member?
Why, as humans, should we be good people, or should we not need to be good people?
Right now, do YOU think you're a good person?
Would you sacrifice yourself for someone else?
Would you sacrifice someone else for yourself?
Love is...
Hate is...
Pick the one of these that is closest to your Utopia.
I know it may sound stupid to some, but, where do you WANT to go.
Good Place
Good Place
Everything is fine. You're in the Good Place! Congratulations! You're a good person! Any questions?
Bad Place
Bad Place
Sorry, you're evil. You don't get to see the video I posted for the good place.