When Are You Going To Get Married?

Answer these questions to know your romantic fate, for better or for worse.

Uri Golan
Created by Uri Golan
On Apr 15, 2019

How often do you think about marriage?

Describe your current relationship status?

Pick a celebrity wedding singer:

What does LOVE mean to you?

Where do you want to get married?

Choose a wedding cake flavor:

How old are you?

What will you go "Bridezilla" over?

And finally, choose something blue:

Very Soon

Very Soon

You've already found The One and you probably have everything planned, from your dream dress to your ideal honeymoon. If your fiancé hasn't popped the question yet, he is going to do it very soon. Expect a romantic proposal with music and rose petals and a candlelit dinner. When the day comes, your wedding will be even more elaborate and beautiful. You and your partner love each other so much and can't wait to start your life together!

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In A Few Years

In A Few Years

Your wedding day is coming. . . but not for a few years. You are currently single or possibly casually dating someone. Don't rush into marriage until you are absolutely ready. Right now, you are enjoying your youth and your independence. You are the life of the party and you are not going to settle down just yet. Keep having fun and maybe your future husband is waiting for you out on the dance floor. Explore yourself, travel, and meet new people. This is YOUR time!

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Give It 10 Years!

Give It 10 Years!

If you haven't found your true love yet, don't fret! You WILL get married, just not now. Give it 10 years and you will be happily married with a successful career and a stable life. Take this time to focus on your job, your friends, and yourself. You are the type of person who needs everything to be figured out and secure in your life before you need to share a life with someone else. When you do find yourself in a relationship, you will date for a long time and wait to get engaged until you both are absolutely 100% ready.

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Sometime In A Faraway Future

Sometime In A Faraway Future

It looks like you will get married, at least one day. We don't know for sure when that will be, but you won't be alone forever. Even though you think you've been cursed with bad dates, poor chemistry, and extreme awkwardness, you shouldn't give up. True love will find you. Sometime in the distant future, you will have the wedding you always dreamed of, we promise!

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You are a free spirit who doesn't want to be tied down. You like to be on your own, without having to deal with someone else in your space. Sure you'll go on plenty of dates and maybe find yourself in a relationship or two, but you will soon realize that marriage just isn't in the books for you. You'd rather be single. In fact, single is actually the best - you get the whole bed to yourself!

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You Are Definitely Already Married

You Are Definitely Already Married

Wait, are you sure you're not already married? Because it definitely seems like you are. Maybe it’s time to renew your vows or replay the wedding video to remind yourself about how awesome your big day was. You are in so much love with your partner and you wouldn’t trade your relationship for anything. Marriage and family is extremely important to you value your loved ones above anything else in your life.

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On Nov 18, 2021