Reorganize Your DME Prior Authorization with Sunknowledge
Reorganize Your DME Prior Authorization with Sunknowledge
For more information about us and how we can help you streamline your DME prior authorization with effective cash flow, get in touch with our experts.
For more information about us and how we can help you streamline your DME prior authorization with effective cash flow, get in touch with our experts.

The DME prior authorization process is a complex process to deal with. Though its aim of achieving transparency in the process have materialized to a certain extent on the contrary, it added up extra paperwork along with the burden of regulatory commitments for healthcare; physicians; patients and all. In fact, with the regular update; payment collection; claims management in-house staffs finds it more challenging processing effective DME prior authorization.
How to Ease your DME Prior Authorization Battle?
It is known secret that DME prior authorization requires in-depth knowledge and even a lot of time and effort is invested in obtaining an effective prior authorization solution. Since training in prior authorization cost a huge amount and with added responsibilities for in-house staffs, it is a complete loss for healthcare providers. This is why most of them prefer outsourcing their DME prior authorization and other medical billing services, easing out their burden.
Way to Effective DME Prior Authorization Process:
Sunknowledge Service Inc, at any Juncture, can help you solve all 28 specialties along with your entire DME prior authorization problem. Working with both providers and payers for ages Sunknowledge excels in such prior authorization services ‘PriorAuth Online’. A service charge of $7 per hour we excel in cutting down on the errors and limits denial with our 99.9% accuracy rate resulting in the highest productive metric. With a 100% prior authorization submission and increase rate by 1.5-2x, we provide 97% highest first pass collection rate to our clients.
View How our DME Prior Authorizations Process Works:
Sunknowledge guarantees 80% instant cost reduction, 30% shrink in AR bucket and a standalone/end to end services. Sunknowledge prior authorization experts start the process by gathering vital information on medical procedure, patient, provider after which we verify and validate prior auth request with effective payer side communication. This again is followed by checking the patient’s eligibility. Once it is done authorization request is initiated, based on the payer mandates. This is followed by checking the auth status, collating relevant documents from the ordering physicians/follow up and providing additional information if needed. At last, we follow updating the auth income in the PM/Billing system.
For more information about us and how we can help you streamline your DME prior authorization with effective cash flow, get in touch with our experts.