13 Things That Happen To People Who Are Learning Another Language

Languages are tough, but so are you.

Valerie Mack
Created by Valerie Mack
On Dec 1, 2016

You Start Out Learning A Few Simple Phrases, And You Think It's Going To Be Easy

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Then It Gets Much Harder

This is so hard. There is a different word for everything! How do babies manage to learn this?


Your Friends Ask You To Say Stuff In Your New Language

They keep expecting you to show off, but you've only learned how to ask to go to the bathroom, and it would be weird to ask your friends that.


You Are Sure You Will Never Learn To Conjugate Verbs

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And really...do you have to? Frankenstein didn't need verbs and the villagers with the pitchforks and torches understood him just fine.


You Can't Wait To Learn To Swear



Your Accent Is A Problem

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No matter what you do, you always sound like Clouseau, and no one is ever going to sell you a hamburger.


You Are Afraid To Try Out Your Language At First

No matter how long you spent practicing, you just can't seem to open your mouth.


You Try To Avoid Using Your New Language

You become really great at writing notes and acting stuff out.


When You Finally Talk To Someone, They Respond In Your Language

How did they know you weren't a native speaker? What gave it away?


You Accidentally Say The Wrong Thing

And it's very embarrassing.


You Learn How To Be Very Charming

So people won't mind waiting for you to figure out what you're trying to say.


A Lot Of What Comes Out Of Your Mouth Doesn't Make Sense

But you usually think you're getting it right.


You Have An Actual Conversation With Someone

And they understand you!

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