How Old Are You On The Inside?
How Old Are You On The Inside?
Chronological age is just a number.
Chronological age is just a number.

What are most of your jokes about?
Which seems harder?
Which adjective would your friends use to describe you?
Your friends want you to go out tonight, but you have to get up in the morning. What do you do?
Describe your music in two words.
Finish this sentence. The best Halloween costume is the one that...
How do other drivers react to your driving style?
Choose the sentence that best describes your eating habits.
How is your grammar?
Do you know what's going on in the world?
Do you exercise?
How often do you take a shower or bath?
How often do you cook an actual meal? (Frozen entrees don't count.)
Do you know how much is in your savings account?
If you were given the opportunity to go back to college for free, would you do it?
You are a teen!
You are a teen!
You are a teen. You're wild, impetuous and you've got a really juvenile sense of humor. You're basically a little kid who can do math. You don't like to do, or even think about, anything that resembles being an adult. You just want to have fun, fun, fun all day and all night.
You are in your 20s!
You are in your 20s!
You are in your 20s. You have a youthful attitude and an insatiable thirst for knowledge and new experiences. You also love to have fun. You don't always think about the consequences of your good times, but fun isn't really about consequences or thinking, is it?
You are in your 30s!
You are in your 30s!
You are in your 30s. You've got a good mix of youthful exuberance and responsible behavior. You don't need to read a book to learn How To Adult, you've got it all down. Sure, you still like to have a good time, but you go home at a decent hour because you've got to be up early.
You are middle-aged!
You are middle-aged!
You are in your 40s or 50s on the inside. You're cautious, logical and perpetually prepared. All of your friends know that they can count on you to do the rational thing and be the responsible one. It's not a ton of fun, but you're wise enough to know that fun is over-rated.
You are retirement age!
You are retirement age!
You are in your 60s or 70s on the inside. That might mean that you act your age, or that you are wise beyond your years. You've got more experience and wisdom on the inside than most people will ever get. Be proud, oldster!