On A "Scale Of 1 To 10" How Basic Are You?
On A "Scale Of 1 To 10" How Basic Are You?
Where do you fall on the basic scale?
Where do you fall on the basic scale?

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You are a 2 out of 10 on the basic scale. That means you aren't very basic at all. You have very few basic moments. Most of your moments are like you: truly original and slightly wild. In fact, the few times you do something basic, you're just being ironic.
Do you know someone who might be basic? Send them this quiz.
You are a 5 out of 10 on the basic scale. That means you are half basic, which means you're half deluxe. You've actually achieved a good basic/deluxe balance. So what if you need to unwind with a chamomile latte after a long day of being truly original and slightly wild?
Do you know someone who might be basic? Send them this quiz.
You are a 7 out of 10 on the basic scale. That means you are mostly basic. You have very few deluxe moments. Most of your moments are like you: truly basic and totally satisfying. You occasionally cut loose, but for the most part, you're basic to the bone. Which is fine with you. Basic is where it's at!
Do you know someone who might be basic? Send them this quiz.
You are a 10 out of 10 on the basic scale. That means you have achieved total basicness. You're basic through and through. As far as you're concerned, basic is the only way to live. You would have a tattoo that says "Basic 4 Lyfe" if you weren't so basic.
Do you know someone who might be basic? Send them this quiz.