Only 20 Percent Of Drivers On The Road Can Pass This Safety Test
Only 20 Percent Of Drivers On The Road Can Pass This Safety Test
Are you one of them? 10 question!
Are you one of them? 10 question!

Texting while driving makes you ___ more likely to get in an accident.
Oops. You dropped your breakfast sandwich. Where is the safest place to pull over on the freeway?
Where should your lap belt hit?
Should you check your blind spot before making a lane change?
In order to reduce crash injuries, your windows should be _________.
When parking upwards (not downwards) on hill, where should your tires be pointing?
What is a safe distance to maintain while following a motorcycle?
When two lanes merge, who has the right of way?
Where is the safest place for your dog to ride?
True or false: Your car doors stay in the locked position while driving?
You should always assume that large trucks need how many feet to brake to a complete stop?
How much room should you give a bicyclist as you pass them?