The Ten Stages Of Dealing With Glenn's (Maybe) Death
The Ten Stages Of Dealing With Glenn's (Maybe) Death

3. Sadness
You throw yourself against the television and wail like a banshee. Okay. Maybe that did happen, but it's just so completely and ridiculously sad. Maggie has just lost so much. Oh god! How is Maggie going to take this? (Probably better than you. You keep pinching yourself, and you're getting tears all over your television screen.)
7. Sherlock Mode
You add up the evidence. 1. Nicholas was a tool. A massive one, and he was there too. Why would AMC kill off a beloved character when it could kill a tool? This isn't Game of Thrones. 2. Steven Yeun didn't go on The Talking Dead. All the dead characters go on The Talking Dead. If he's dead, why didn't he go on? Elementary, fools! He's Alive!
8. Group Therapy
Your friends don't believe you at first. They think you should read the comic books. You tell them that this isn't Game of Thrones; you can't know who dies just by reading ahead. To prove your theory, you make your friends dress up like zombies so you can reenact the dumpster scene over and over, showing them how Nicholas' body was on top of Glenn's the whole time, and Glenn was reacting with horror to the zombies eating the corpse right on top of him. It makes sense...doesn't it?
9. Growing Horror
You start to realize that even if it was Nicholas who was eaten, Glenn was SWARMED, and his face and head were completely exposed. How could he possibly get out of THAT? Maybe your friends are right. Maybe you are fooling yourself. Maybe you are a jerk for making them hang out in a filthy alley that might have (probably) given them tetanus.
10. Rock Bottom
After a week of being consumed with a nasty case of The Feels (and some mild tetanus), you hold it together knowing that on Sunday night, you will know one way or the other. Only you don't. It's a Morgan episode. Great.'s still compelling and thought-provoking, but what in the name of Sam Raimi happened to Glenn?! ... Wait a second! Why isn't Steven Yeun's name in the credits?! His name is always in the credits. Oh....