What Does Your Taste In Art Say About Your Personality Type?
What Does Your Taste In Art Say About Your Personality Type?
Are you a lover or a fighter?
Are you a lover or a fighter?

Where does your eye go first in this still life?
How does this make you feel?
What do you notice first in this sculpture?
What stands out most in this painting?
Do you like the mix of modern and classic elements in this architecture?
Where does your eye go first in this frieze?
What kind of story is this painting telling?
Click on who you think is the main character of this painting.
Would you stop and look at this painting if you saw it in a gallery?
What do you think this man is thinking about?
What does this scene make you want to do?
The Dynamic Diva
The Dynamic Diva
You are a show off. You love to be the center of attention, and you usually are. With your bubbly personality and your infectious energy, you turn heads everywhere you go.
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The Brooding Artist
The Brooding Artist
You are a brooding artist. You are deep and introspective. All this moodiness comes from a place of intelligence and creativity. The people who are close to you worry about you occasionally, but more often, they are in awe of you.
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The Leader
The Leader
You are a leader. You always know what to do and how to do it, and if you don't, you'll figure it out as you go. People listen to you because of your inspiring demeanor and magnetic charm.
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The Hidden Bloom
The Hidden Bloom
You are a hidden bloom. You have an amazing personality and stunning creativity, but you keep it hidden beneath a layer of insecurity. On the rare moments you let it shine, your light is blinding.
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The Dreamer
The Dreamer
You are a dreamer and an optimist. Usually, your dreams are almost laughably unattainable, but no one ever counts you out because you have a uncanny way of making the impossible happen.
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The Abstract Thinker
The Abstract Thinker
You are a puzzle solver and a daydreamer. Your mind is always working, churning out amazing ideas and inventive solutions. People are compelled to come to you with their problems because they know you'll come up with a new way to look at it.
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