Where Is Your Rage Directed?
Where Is Your Rage Directed?
You are so mad you could just hit something! So you do, and now your hand is all stingy, which makes you even madder, so you throw something, and it breaks! Now, you're still angry, your hand stings and you have to clean up a broken thing. But hold up...do you even know what you're angry about?
You are so mad you could just hit something! So you do, and now your hand is all stingy, which makes you even madder, so you throw something, and it breaks! Now, you're still angry, your hand stings and you have to clean up a broken thing. But hold up...do you even know what you're angry about?

What feelings does this image bring up for you?
Your car won't start. What is the first thing you say to yourself?
During any given day, what emotion do you feel the most?
Who annoys you the most?
Have you ever wanted to do this?
Have you ever gotten a note like this?
Why is this man crying?
What is the worst thing about music festivals?
Which call goes to voicemail every time?
Who annoys you most in this scene?
Your Rage Is Directed At Traffic
Your Rage Is Directed At Traffic
Traffic! Oh my GOD!!! Right? All you want to do is get to work, but no one will move, and when they do they cut in front of you. You honk your horn, and then they have the NERVE to flip you the bird. YOU! Like you're the jerk! ... Deep breath. Feel better? No? Try this. Imagine that you are driving a giant steamroller over the endless line of cars in front of you. Crunch. Crunch. Cruuuuuunch! Now, do you feel better? Good.
Your Rage Is Directed At Your Job
Your Rage Is Directed At Your Job
Work! Oh my GOD!!! Right? All you want to do is get a paycheck, so you can buy stuff, but all you get is annoying coworkers, bully bosses, paperwork that never ends, and when it does, you get to deal with an irate customer, which just makes you very, VERY irate! ... Deep breath. Feel better? No? Try this. Imagine that you've just won the lottery. Now imagine standing in the middle of your workplace and telling everyone exactly what you think of them before saying, "So long, suckers! I'm OUT!!!" Now, do you feel better? Good.
Your Rage Is Directed At Your Ex
Your Rage Is Directed At Your Ex
Your ex! Oh my GOD!!! Right? Just when you think you're over them, they call you, or follow you on Instagram, or show up at a party they knew you'd be at...with a DATE! Oh! And then they have the NERVE to tell you to move on. ... Deep breath. Feel better? No? Try this. Block your ex on social media, delete all pictures, burn the hard copies, and that Valentine teddy bear? Off with his head! Now, do you feel better? Good.
Your Rage Is Directed All Over The Place
Your Rage Is Directed All Over The Place
Just...EVERYTHING! Oh my GOD!!! The environment? Awful. People? They suck. Food is always too hot, too cold, or it tastes like beetle dung or there's not enough of it. ... Deep breath. Feel better? No? Try this. Imagine that you're all alone lying in the world's most comfortable bed, watching your favorite movie and eating your favorite snack, while a puppy and/or kitten sleeps happily next to you. Now, do you feel better?
Your Rage Is Directed At Kids Today
Your Rage Is Directed At Kids Today
Kids today and their burning men and insta grams. You keep waiting for the Hipsters to go away, but they aren't going away even though they keep posting long-winded essays saying that they've been gone for some time now. And don't get you started on how coddled kids today are with their participation trophies and three meals a day. In your day, you walked five miles to school...in the snow...uphill...both ways...with a railway spike in your skull. ... There. Feel better? Yeah, a cranky rant always makes you feel better, doesn't it?
You have no rage.
You have no rage.
Hey! You're not enraged at all. Why are you even taking this quiz?! God! People who take quizzes that clearly are not meant for them are THE WORST! What you think this is a joke?! This is so ENRAGING!!! ... Sorry about that. It's just that...never mind. Not your fault. Carry on with your day.