Which Actress Should Play You In Your Life Story?
Which Actress Should Play You In Your Life Story?
Who could possibly capture your personality?
Who could possibly capture your personality?

How would you deal with a bully boss?
Are you musically inclined?
What do you think of this dress?
What helps you the most to get through a rough time?
Describe your love life with just one word.
How do you solve a problem?
Do you get along with children?
How are you at doing hard, analytical research?
Choose your spirit animal.
How do you express yourself?
Sally Field
Sally Field
The story of your life is one of hard-work, gumption, and fighting the good fight, no matter what the odds. Who else could take on such a role but plucky Sally Field? You like her. You really like her.
Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts
Your life story is one of having it, flaunting it, and using it, and whatever else it takes, to get the job done. Who else could take on such a meaty role but sultry Julia Roberts. Hey, she's still got it, and so do you!
Zoe Saldana
Zoe Saldana
Your life story is one of genius, creativity, madness, and mastery. Who better to encompass all that than Zoe Saldana. Well...I suppose there might be a few actresses who could, but Zoe got the gig, so stop complaining.
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence
Your life story is one of family, loyalty, responsibility, and not letting anyone walk all over you. Who better to embody that than Jennifer Lawrence. Even if she's not your age, it's okay. She has range.
Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek
Your life story is one of passion, drama, art and yet even more passion. Who better to channel the firestorm that is your life than Salma Hayek? No one. There is only Salma.