Which Christmas Special Will Make You Relive Your Childhood?
Which Christmas Special Will Make You Relive Your Childhood?
One of these classic specials will make you want to break out the hot chocolate and put on your jammies, but which one?
One of these classic specials will make you want to break out the hot chocolate and put on your jammies, but which one?

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
What does this picture make you want to do?
Which one of these images makes you smile the most?
Choose a narrator:
What do you like most about winter?
Choose a Santa:
Do you think Christmas has gotten too commercial?
What did you like to do most on Christmas day?
What is on your Christmas wish list this year?
What makes you get up and dance?
Which one of these images has the best chance of making you cry?
The Year Without A Santa Claus
The Year Without A Santa Claus
When you think of Christmas, you think of singing and dancing... and possibly of stop motion animation. You know all the words to the Heat Miser song AND the cold miser song, and you can do all the dance moves. Or if you don't, you really should, because you'd be great at it. This special will remind you of your childhood love of a cool beat and a hot tune. You're too much!
How The Grinch Stole Christmas!
How The Grinch Stole Christmas!
This show brings you straight back to when you were just a little grump. You've got a bit of a salty crunch to your sweet interior. You are a bit grumbly and sometimes even mumbly, but when it comes down to it, if the little Whos down in Whoville were in trouble, your cold heart would grow five sizes, and you'd be the first one to carve the roast beast.
A Charlie Brown Christmas
A Charlie Brown Christmas
This show brings you straight back to your first existential crisis. Christmas has gotten so commercial what with all the big box stores and their Black Friday sales that start on Thursday morning, don't you think? You just want to get a simple little tree and put a few decorations on it. Oh, hey! Did you see they sell a replica of the Charlie Brown tree at stores? It costs about 15 bucks. Good grief!
Frosty The Snowman
Frosty The Snowman
This special will bring you right back to your love of playing in the snow... and possibly your hatred of magicians. You can still remember listening to the radio to find out if your school was canceled. As soon as you got the good news, you ran outside to make a snowman.
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
You are not just a misfit! But you sure used to be when you were a kid, and this special will bring you right back to when you first learned that it was okay to be a Charlie in the Box or a train with square wheels, or whatever was wrong with doll. Maybe she just felt like a misfit even though nothing was wrong with her at all Hey!--Maybe that was your problem as well.