Which Downton Abbey Bachelor Will Propose To You?
Which Downton Abbey Bachelor Will Propose To You?
Whether you're a blushing debutante fresh from the ball or an old maid who used to be a young maid, one of the Downton men is perfect for you.
Whether you're a blushing debutante fresh from the ball or an old maid who used to be a young maid, one of the Downton men is perfect for you.

Pick a leading man to star in the movie of your life:
Will you be dressing up for dinner?
Do you care to dance?
Where are you headed?
Whose proposal was the best?
The couple who works together...
Which uniform do you prefer?
Do you have any vices?
Have you ever kissed a stranger?
Imagine you're having a wedding in Yorkshire. Who will be seated on your side of the church?
Lord Anthony Gillingham
Lord Anthony Gillingham
What? Don't think of Lord Gillingham as Lady Mary's sloppy seconds. Think of him as being ridden around the block a few times to work the kinks out. Mary might find him a bit dull, but you won't be bored living in his grand estate, being waited on by servants, and spending all his money.
Jack Ross
Jack Ross
Yes! Swinging club singer Jack is the perfect match for your inner flapper, you jazz baby you! Maybe Lady Rose's family thought he was beneath them (who are they to talk?), but you honestly wouldn't mind him beneath you.
Thomas Barrow
Thomas Barrow
Oh come on! You know the only man at Downton with enough gumption to match you is Thomas, you wicked thing! You two will be very happy together, avoiding hard work, gossiping, and cooking up evil scheme after evil scheme. You're going to be adorable at the old folks' home.
Joseph Molesley
Joseph Molesley
What? What's wrong with Ol' Molesley? You could do worse you know! And he'd always be good to you. He'd always rub your feet after a long day of work... For about five minutes and then he'd ask you to rub his feet because he's been up on them all day, too.