Who Has A Secret Crush On You?
Who Has A Secret Crush On You?
Someone is thinking about you right now. You need to find out who it is!
Someone is thinking about you right now. You need to find out who it is!

Do other people talk about you behind your back?
In your group of friends, which one are you?
How many friends do you have online versus in real life?
Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you?
Do you have a distinctive laugh?
Do guys find it easy to talk to you?
If there was a prom or big dance tomorrow, who would you go with?
Which girl in this picture do you identify with?
Do you like parties?
Who do YOU think has a crush on you?
The Hot Guy
The Hot Guy
The hot guy who sees you every day has a secret crush on you. He's not trying to hide it or anything, but you might not have noticed because you're blinded by his hotness. Don't be. You might be missing out on a good thing!
The Off-Limits Guy
The Off-Limits Guy
The guy who has a crush on you is completely unavailable. Maybe he's in a serious relationship, or maybe he's not ready for one right now. Or maybe he just doesn't play for your team. It doesn't matter. Just enjoy the adulation. Not all crushes need to be acted upon.
Just a Friend
Just a Friend
The guy who has a crush on you is one you've always considered to be "just a friend." You might not have noticed because he's always joking around. He might be your friend, but he wants more. Whether you want that or not, it might be time to have a long and SERIOUS talk with him.
The Fixer-Upper
The Fixer-Upper
The guy who has a crush on you is a bit of a fixer-upper. His habits are mostly bad, but his intentions are good. He needs a little work, but you're not afraid of a little hard work, right? Give him a chance. He might be rough around the edges, but his heart is filled with feelings for you.
The Cool Guy
The Cool Guy
The guy who has a crush on you is too cool for school. He's very concerned with his image, and his image is flawless. You might not have noticed him staring at you because he's pretty smooth. His feelings for you are making him feel less than cool, so give him a little time to adjust.