11 Real-life Situations That Might Prove We're Living In The Matrix
11 Real-life Situations That Might Prove We're Living In The Matrix
The movie, "The Matrix" isn't so far off. We could very well be hooked up to a computer on a barren planet playing a video game called "Earth". Here are 11 reasons why this is probably true.
The movie, "The Matrix" isn't so far off. We could very well be hooked up to a computer on a barren planet playing a video game called "Earth". Here are 11 reasons why this is probably true.

Some of you may have heard of the Mandela Effect. It's basically the idea that the people of earth have mixed memories of certain events like the death of Nelson Mandela and also whether or not it's spelled "The Berenstein Bears" or "The Berenstain Bears". Proof that our reality is malleable and could be just one big illusion!
You'd think that after 50+ years of sending probes into space we would have found an alien by now...not so fast. Aliens are probably skipping over our dimension OR are not even visible to us because they're in a totally different realm...or matrix.
Scientists were recently able to embed computer code into DNA. This means that we MIGHT be living in a computer game, or are game characters ourselves...Think about it...what's stopping aliens from creating us and linking us to their computers. We're being controlled I tell you!
Video games look crazy real these days, don't they? Don't you think that another alien species could have created a a super-real looking simulation for us to live in? It's like the Truman show but 100 times more creepy.
So...when "La La Land" was accidentally called out instead of "Moonlight" on the 2017 Oscars...that was weird, wasn't it? How about when Trump was elected instead of Hillary...also weird. It almost gives you the feeling that some bratty little teenage alien has gotten control over the video game matrix and is irresponsibly ruining everything!
People have seen some pretty weird stuff and have posted the photos on r/GlitchInTheMatrix subreddit. People will report seeing a storefront one day and then the next day it's totally different. Or they'll see doubles sitting on the subway. Yeesh, it's almost too creepy to even think about.
The gold/blue dress incident totally rocked the world. It was crazy. Half the people saw a gold dress and the other half a blue dress. People say it was a trick of the light but it's also just proof that our brains see the world differently and there are colors out there that we can't see, like ultraviolet and infrared.
The fact that our world has been in turmoil lately gives us the perfect chance to "beat the game" and "save the planet". Our "creators" have basically set this whole thing up so we can show them how to save and regenerate a planet. It's like those educational computer games you played as a kid, but this time...we're the teachers.
Our planet is in what astrophysicists call "the Goldilocks zone". It's the perfect spot that's not too hot and not too cold where water can run freely and life can flourish. Considering literally no other planet in our solar system is like this...could it be that it's not even real. It seems almost too good to be true...
What's beyond "gravity". Physicists still aren't able to tell us "where we are". Why planets are perfectly round and why there is even gravity at all. The fact that we don't know this and can't even begin to guess who created this universe makes the simulation theory all that more believable.
This isn't the first time we've been near a mass extinction. Chances are...we're actually all sitting in vats, hooked up to computer equipment on a wasteland planet living this simulation being controlled by the early humans.