Can You Answer These "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" Million Dollar Questions?
Can You Answer These "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" Million Dollar Questions?
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Who did artist Grant Wood use as the model for the farmer in his classic painting, American Gothic?
In addition to his career as an astrologer and "prophet", Nostradamus published a 1555 treatise that included a section on what?
"Nephelococcygia" is the practice of doing what?
Which insect shorted out an early supercomputer and inspired the term "computer bug"?
Which of these U.S. presidents appeared on the television series Laugh-In?
For ordering his favorite beverages on demand, LBJ had four buttons installed in the oval office labelled "coffee", "tea", "Coke" and what?
In the children's book series, where is Paddington Bear originally from?
Now used to refer to a cat, the word "tabby" is derived from the name of a district of what world capital?
What letter must appear at the beginning of the registration number of all non-military aircraft in the U.S.?
The U.S. icon "Uncle Sam" was based on Samuel Wilson, who worked during the War of 1812 as a what?