Does Your Ex Still Love You? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Does Your Ex Still Love You? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Your relationship is toast, but is there a glimmer of hope that things will get going again? Take this true or false quiz to find out whether or not your ex is still in love with you!
Your relationship is toast, but is there a glimmer of hope that things will get going again? Take this true or false quiz to find out whether or not your ex is still in love with you!

When was the last time your ex reached out to you?
When they DO reach out to they have a reason to? Or is it to just say hello?
After you broke up...did they apologize and ask to get back together?
You ran into them several times after the breakup...seemingly by coincidence
When you meet up (if you meet up) they try to touch you
They've texted you at least once while they were drunk
They haven't dropped off your stuff yet
They're still in communication with your friends and family
Yes! Your ex still loves you
Yes! Your ex still loves you
Not sure if you WANT this...but your ex is still in love with you. Beware...and don't assume that every time you see them is a total coincidence.
Sorry...your ex doesn't love you anymore
Sorry...your ex doesn't love you anymore
Your ex has long forgotten you. Maybe that's a good thing, or maybe you're hoping that things are going to get re-started again. We're here to tell you...just forget about them. You're better than that.