How Much Do You Actually Know About The Story Of Hanukkah?
How Much Do You Actually Know About The Story Of Hanukkah?
You celebrate it every year but how much do you know about the story of the Chanukkah? Take this quiz and test your Hanukkah chops!
You celebrate it every year but how much do you know about the story of the Chanukkah? Take this quiz and test your Hanukkah chops!
How Much Do You Actually Know About The Story Of Hanukkah?
1 / 10
Let's start with an easy one...How many days is Hanukkah?
2 / 10
Who were the Maccabees?
3 / 10
What does the first day of Hanukkah mark?
4 / 10
How many nights was the Maccabee's oil meant to last?
5 / 10
Why did the Maccabees run out of oil in the first place?
6 / 10
How many candles can a menorah hold?
7 / 10
What is another name for "Hanukkah"?
8 / 10
How do you spell Hanukkah with a "CH"?
9 / 10
What is this middle candle on the menorah called?
10 / 10
When should the menorah be lit on Fridays?
Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021