This Quiz Will Reveal What Kind Of Career You Should Pursue

Are you working in the wrong career? This career quiz will tell you whether or not you're on the right path.

Vanessa Kramer
Created by Vanessa Kramer
On Aug 22, 2018

What's your overall goal in life?

Which of these environments would you like to work in?

Which of these people would you like to work with?

How much money would you be happy with per year?

Pick a house to live in:

Pick a city to live in:

What time do you usually like to wake up in the morning?

What's most important to you in a job?

You should pursue a career in the arts

You should pursue a career in the arts

You have the soul of the artist and would be completely happy spending your days in a studio, creating art, for very little money.

You should pursue a career in finance

You should pursue a career in finance

You play to win and would thrive in a career in finance where you're dealing with BIG numbers and high stakes. You would be great working in the stock exchange or advising people on how to spend their money.

You should pursue a career in sales

You should pursue a career in sales

You have a way with words and you'd be wise to put that natural talent to use and become a salesperson. You could sell anything! Real Estate, beds.

You should pursue a career in education

You should pursue a career in education

You have this unwavering need to enrich the youth or today and make the world a better place. Becoming a teacher just makes sense for you. Think about what you're good at and teach that topic!

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