Where Do You Rate On The Scientific Beauty Scale from 1-10?
Where Do You Rate On The Scientific Beauty Scale from 1-10?
Your answers to these questions will reveal where you land on the beauty scale (1-10). Fingers crossed for 10!
Your answers to these questions will reveal where you land on the beauty scale (1-10). Fingers crossed for 10!

How much time do you spend doing your makeup/hair in the morning not including bathing?
Which celebrity do you admire style-wise?
Which TV character do you admire style-wise?
How old were you when you had your first kiss?
If you could change your career right now, what would you wanna be?
What would you say is your best physical asset?
How would you describe your hair?
Which of these models do you think you look like the most?
You are...a 10!
You are...a 10!
Whoa congrats! You're a total bonafide 10! You put a lot of effort into your appearance but I guess it pays off.
You are...a 7.
You are...a 7.
You lay comfortably in the "average realm" not totally, shockingly hot, but still very nice to look at. Keep curling that hair!
You are...a 5.
You are...a 5.
According to your answers, you land in the middle. You're not super hot, but you're also not ugly. People tend to say you're "cute" which is not bad to be!
You are...a 1.
You are...a 1.
Yikes...according to your results you need to put in a lot more effort into your appearance. Buy some new makeup, straighten your hair. Anything! You'll look like million bucks in no time...
Where Do You Rate On The Scientific Beauty Scale From 1-10?