Which Slytherin Bully Represents Your Dark Side?
Which Slytherin Bully Represents Your Dark Side?
Everyone's got a little Slytherin in them. Which of these famous Slytherins represent your dark side? Take this Harry Potter quiz to find out!
Everyone's got a little Slytherin in them. Which of these famous Slytherins represent your dark side? Take this Harry Potter quiz to find out!

Pick a spell to cast on the nerds:
Who's your favorite professor at Hogwarts?
Which "gryffindor" good guy do you most relate to?
Which Harry Potter book is your favorite?
What's your best subject at Hogwarts?
What were your grades like in actual high school?
What's your idea of a good prank?
What's your opinion on Voldemort?
Draco Malfoy...represents your dark side
Draco Malfoy...represents your dark side
He's the little sh*t talker of Hogwarts and Harry's arch enemy. When you get mean, you can be very vocal and will poke at people to no end. Like Draco, you just don't know how to shut up!
Severus Snape...represents your dark side
Severus Snape...represents your dark side
Snape is one of the most misunderstood of the Slytherin clan. He's got this silent hatred for people, but then on the other hand will lend a helping hand if he feels so inclined. When you get dark, you get really quiet and almost recoil into yourself.
Bellatrix Lestrange...represents your dark side
Bellatrix Lestrange...represents your dark side
Bellatrix is a hard-core witch who will do anything to serve the dark side. She's hugely loyal to Voldemort and is actually little bit nuts. Your dark side is expressed through insane behavior. You get a little anxious when you don't get your way and have a hard time keeping it under wraps.
Dolores Umbridge...represents your dark side
Dolores Umbridge...represents your dark side
Dolores Umbridge is just the worst, isn't she...she's everyone's least favorite teacher. When you get mean, you go full "Umbridge" meaning you're very passive aggressive and will often "act nice" with a veil of evil underneath.