Do You Remember The Original Pete's Dragon?
Do You Remember The Original Pete's Dragon?
The new movie may be taking a new direction with this Disney film, but today we are concerned with the 1977 movie musical. How well do you remember this classic mix of live-action and animation?
The new movie may be taking a new direction with this Disney film, but today we are concerned with the 1977 movie musical. How well do you remember this classic mix of live-action and animation?

The adoptive family that Pete is running away from are the ...
This dragon befriends Pete. What is the dragon's name?
This is Nora and her father. They want to _____ Pete.
What is the name of Nora's fiancé who has been lost at sea?
This villain doesn't want Pete, he wants Pete's Dragon! Who is he?
What does Nora's father do in the village?
The town where Nora and her father live is called ...
Which of these did the dragon NOT do?
Who is the first person, other than Pete, to see Elliot the dragon?
Which of these does Dr. Terminus NOT use to try and catch Elliot?
The school teacher's name is Miss _____.
The local fisherman in the village have found there are _____ fish around since Pete arrived.
What does Elliot do to the school house when he gets angry?
What do the villains try to use as bait for catching the dragon?
In the end, what happens to Pete?