How Much Do You Know About The Land of Númenor?
How Much Do You Know About The Land of Númenor?
Most of the tales of Númenor come from the Silmarillion. How much do you know about the in which half-elves made their kingdoms?
Most of the tales of Númenor come from the Silmarillion. How much do you know about the in which half-elves made their kingdoms?

Which of these is a map of Númenor?
Who inhabited the lands of Númenor?
Who was the first King of Númenor?
The Dúnedain were led to Númenor by what?
In the Elven language known as Quenya, Númenor means "_____".
Númenóreans were forbidden from sailing so far west that they could no longer see their land. This was known as what?
Ar-Pharazôn was the last king of Númenor. He led to the island's downfall, after which the land became known as ...
Who destroyed the island of Númenor?
The last King of Númenor before its downfall was _____.
What sacred object was sacrificed to Melkor during the decline of Númenor?
When it was sacrificed, _____ risked his life and rescued one of the tree's fruit.
To the Númenóreans the name, or title, "Tar-Minyatur" means what?
The greatest port of Númenor was called "_____".
It was Isildur, Anárion, and their father _____ who fled the downfall, and sailed to Middle-Earth.
After fleeing their homeland, Elendil and his sons formed the kingdoms of _____ and Gondor.