How Well Do You Remember Buffy The Vampire Slayer?
How Well Do You Remember Buffy The Vampire Slayer?
Do you remember watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer on TV? Did you anticipate each new episode? Well let's see how much you can remember ...
Do you remember watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer on TV? Did you anticipate each new episode? Well let's see how much you can remember ...
![Vanja Orman](
In Season 7, D'Hoffryn kills which vengeance demon?
What is the name of this creature?
Which one of Buffy's friends was a werewolf?
Who was the second Slayer to appear in the series?
Buffy's first "Watcher" in the series was who?
Who was the "right-hand man" of the First Evil?
Spike once compared Angel to a jedi master. Who did he reference?
Who does Caleb blind in one eye?
What is Willow's last name?
What is Faith's last name?
Spike showed up in Sunnydale with which other character?
What was the name of the teacher that Giles fell in love with?
What breaks Angel's curse, causing him to lose his soul and become Angelus again?
Sunnydale, where Buffy lives, is on top of what occult phenomenon?
Name this character.