Only "The Smartest" Will Pass This Idiocracy Trivia!
Only "The Smartest" Will Pass This Idiocracy Trivia!
The future is filled with idiots! How well do you remember this amazing comedy from the mind that brought us "Beavis & Butthead" and "Office Space"?
The future is filled with idiots! How well do you remember this amazing comedy from the mind that brought us "Beavis & Butthead" and "Office Space"?

In the beginning, Luke Wilson's character "Joe Bauers" is put in experimental stasis by ...
This is _____, the female candidate chosen for the suspended animation project.
What was Joe's nickname before getting frozen?
Rita used to work for this man. What is his name?
After waking up in the future, Joe is arrested for not having what?
He is sent to jail because his lawyer, _____, is totally incompetent.
The crops are dying because they are being irrigated with _____ instead of water.
What new name is Joe given in the future?
What is the name of the corporation that makes the drink killing all the crops?
This is President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew _____ Camacho.
When they discover Joe is the "smartest man alive" what official position is he given by the President?
Joe is sentenced to death by what?
What is the name of the "Rehabilitation Officer" that drove the monster-truck for Joe's "rehabilitation"?
Joe and Rita visit which store in search of the time machine to get them home?
What was the "time masheen" when they finally found it?