Are You The Ultimate Tolkien Expert?
Are You The Ultimate Tolkien Expert?
Have you read/seen LOTR? What about The Silmarillion, or Unfinished Tales, or any others? This Tolkien quiz is not for the the feint of heart!
Have you read/seen LOTR? What about The Silmarillion, or Unfinished Tales, or any others? This Tolkien quiz is not for the the feint of heart!

The Elves knew Melkor as "Morgoth", meaning "black foe of the world". Who gave him this name?
How is Elros, related to Elrond?
This dragon was the first to be seen on Middle Earth, and is also called "Father of Dragons".
Niënor Níniel and Túrin Turambar are the children of Morwen Eledhwen and ________ Thalion.
The world/planet of "The Lord of the Rings" was created by the ____ of the Ainur.
What is the name of the world/planet on which "The Lord of the Rings" takes place?
What is the Elvish name for the place known as "The Grey Havens"?
According to the Valaquenta, what are the 8 most powerful Valar called?
Melkor was aided by a monstrous spider when he darkened Valinor. What was it's name?
The Istari, or Wizards, are actually not wizards at all. They are actually ...
Gandalf's real name is ...
In "The Fellowship of the Ring", Gandalf calls the Balrog "Flame of Udûn". What is Udûn?
Who was Isildur's father?
Which land was destroyed when the War of Wrath ended, also ending the First Age.
What did the Valar call the great chain which held Melkor captive?