Which Decepticon Are You?
Which Decepticon Are You?
Are you Megatron-level insane, or more of a Soundwave-cray-cray? Just how much will you enjoy bashing some Autobots?
Are you Megatron-level insane, or more of a Soundwave-cray-cray? Just how much will you enjoy bashing some Autobots?

Which of these is your favorite Autobot?
You believe you ...
You transform and become ...
What color are you?
When you speak, you ...
Other Decepticons _____ you.
Which form would you want to transform into?
To you the word "leader" means ...
What do you think is most important?
Which of the following words best suits you?
Your Decepticon alter-ego is the cunning Megatron! He is the founder of the Decepticon uprising, and their most well-known and feared leader. The opposite of his mortal enemy Optimus Prime, he feels great contempt for other Transformers who, he feels, betray their proud heritage by demanding peace and cooperation with weaker life forms. Megatron will attempt almost anything to achieve his goals, but his schemes are rarely in any way subtle.
You would be the terror known as Starscream! He is the treacherous Decepticon Air Commander and the deadliest of the Seekers. The self-proclaimed pride of the Cybertron War Academy, he's famous not only for his incredible skill, but also for his limitless ambition. Starscream's never give up attitude extends even to the afterlife: unlike most Transformers, he has a mutant, indestructible Spark. It cannot be destroyed and can persist even without a body to contain it.
The frightening Ramjet is your Decepticon personality! His strategy is typically "smash into the other guy with my head"... in his defense this is frighteningly effective. Ramjet is built to withstand such midair collisions, while his prey certainly is not. Ramjet has a tendency to regard the sky as belonging only to him, and will frequently ram even neutral or friendly targets. Though built to take a hit, frequent collisions/crashes can still take their toll on his internal mechanisms.
As a Decepticon, you would be the dependable Soundwave! He is one of Megatron's most reliable troops, and has positioned himself comfortably and irreplaceably in the Decepticon upper command structure. Soundwave commands an ever-growing legion of cassette troops to carry out tasks big and small. These miniature menaces are most commonly employed as spies, but are just as effective as warriors, and are entirely devoted to their master.
Your Decepticon alter-ego is the destructive Bonecrusher! He finds beauty in rubble-strewn wastelands and longs to transform pretty much any location he happens across into one. Deep down, his destruction is really a perfectionism that cannot tolerate anything that he views as flawed, which includes the Autobots. Bonecrusher combines with his fellow Constructicons to form Devastator. Now if he could just refrain from destroying buildings the Decepticons actually need...
You would be the impossible Astrotrain! This Decepticon loves to sow confusion and to this end, his Triple Changer abilities serve him well. Nothing pleases him more than confronting an Autobot in a dark corner and making him wonder if he's up against one Decepticon or two. You may think of him as single-minded but he wants more from life. Unfortunately it's either fly the other Decepticons around, or get scrapped by them.