Which Wizard Would Be Your Teacher?
Which Wizard Would Be Your Teacher?
Which famous wizard would be your ideal instructor? Gandalf, Ged, Harry, Merlin, Raistlin, or Rincewind? Let's find out!
Which famous wizard would be your ideal instructor? Gandalf, Ged, Harry, Merlin, Raistlin, or Rincewind? Let's find out!

How old is your teacher?
The winds carry you...
Your favorite magic tricks involve ...
You wish your master to have a vast knowledge of ...
You never thought your training would be so full of...
Which mystical companion would you choose?
Your instructor always says that magic is ...
If you planned to do evil things with your magic, your instructor would be...
Choose an accessory:
Olorin of Istar is a Wizard of Arda who is better known on Middle-Earth by his moniker "Gandalf the Grey". Wisest of the Maiar, Gandalf was gifted Narya by Cirdan the shipwright. Gandalf believes that all the peoples of the world should be free of tyranny, corruption, and bitter darkness. He holds to patience, understanding, kindness, and compassion.
Merlin is the famous wizard of King Arthur's court. He is wise and powerful, and aided Arthur in ruling Camelot. His magic is primarily future-sight and the magics of nature. Growing the oak, moving the mounting, harnessing the river... these were his primary dealings. He is an adviser and a scholar.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter was set on an epic path early in his life when the dark wizard "who shall not be named" cursed him. This curse marked Harry with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Harry and his pals know that with their magic and friendship than can overcome the most insurmountable of odds.
Sparrowhawk was raised as a normal boy until the wizard Ogion told him of his inner power. Ogion told Sparrowhawk his true name, Ged, and that the true name of something holds great power. Ged learned the true names of the winds and the stones and of many things. In the end he understands that magic is a part of nature.
Raistlin Majere
Raistlin Majere
Raistlin was not always powerful. He was once a fairly average, yet very intelligent, young man. During his trials he was marked by magic with a golden skin, and hour-glass shaped eyes. He was sapped of his physical strength, but given immense mystical powers. He seeks to ever expand his might, and dominate the world. For the world's benefit, of course...
Rincewind doesn't know if he's coming or going most of the time, but he knows he'll get there... where ever "there" happens to be. He is a light-hearted fellow who doesn't take life all too seriously. He can cast a spell or make you laugh with the greatest of ease... or at least... he'd like to think so.