Teste de Personalidade da Disney
Teste de Personalidade da Disney
Com qual personagem da Disney sua personalidade mais se parece? Descubra neste divertido teste ;)
Com qual personagem da Disney sua personalidade mais se parece? Descubra neste divertido teste ;)
Você prefere o dia ou a noite?
Qual estação do ano você gosta mais?
Onde você mais gostaria de morar?
Escolha uma atividade:
Escolha um animal de estimação:
Escolha alguma coisa para comer:
Escolha o vestido que você mais gostaria de vestir
Como a idéia de trabalhar faz você se sentir?
Como a idéia de casamento faz você se sentir?
Qual dessas imagens demonstra melhor seu relacionamento com sua família?
Você se parece 40% com a Ariel e 60% com a Mulan
Você se parece 40% com a Ariel e 60% com a Mulan
You have a strong need to use your abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. You would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details to others, though you can prove to be quite resourceful when you need to be.
You tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination.
Você se parece 40% com a Cinderela e 60% com a Bela
Você se parece 40% com a Cinderela e 60% com a Bela
You're sweet, tender and compassionate and strive to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.
You're idealistic, highly imaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. You seek after spiritual truth and often find it. You tend to be visionary and often inspire others. If you fail to develop your potential, you may become a dreamer, or misuse your power.
Você se parece 40% com a Jasmim e 60% com a Rapunzel
Você se parece 40% com a Jasmim e 60% com a Rapunzel
You have a strong inner desire to create and express themselves, often in public speaking, acting, writing or singing. You also yearn to have beauty around you in your environment.
You tend to be quiet, considerate, sympathetic to others and fair, though sometimes you can be quite explosive. You are often very intuitive. You like detail and order, and often find change worrisome. You may sometimes feel insecure or restless.
Você se parece 40% com a Pocahontas e 60% com a Merida
Você se parece 40% com a Pocahontas e 60% com a Merida
You have a profound need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world you live in, and to learn the deeper truths. You tend to be orderly and dedicated to building your life on a solid foundation of order and service.
You value truth, justice, and discipline, and may be quick-tempered with those who do not.
Você se parece 40% com a Branca de Neve e 60% com a Tiana
Você se parece 40% com a Branca de Neve e 60% com a Tiana
You have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony. You're also excellent at analyzing, understanding, and learning.
You're creative and resilient and you don't let anything stand between you and your dream.
Você se parece 40% com o Simba e 60% com a Elsa
Você se parece 40% com o Simba e 60% com a Elsa
You have have a deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achieve status, power and wealth. You tend to be a powerful force to all whose lives you touch.
You're capable, charismatic leaders who often undertake large endeavors with great success, though If you fail to develop your potential, you may become impractical and rigid.