Stressercise: Take This Stress Test And We'll Tell You Which Exercise Routine Is Best For You
Stressercise: Take This Stress Test And We'll Tell You Which Exercise Routine Is Best For You
Exercise is so vital in curing stress but not every exercise is for every person. Take this stress test and find out which exercise you should be doing to alleviate your stress!
Exercise is so vital in curing stress but not every exercise is for every person. Take this stress test and find out which exercise you should be doing to alleviate your stress!

I become easily irritated by people, like friends and family.
It's difficult for me to concentrate and handle interruptions.
I feel swamped with all your responsibilities.
I ask myself, "what else can go wrong?"
I feel like I'm always being rushed.
I found myself getting upset by quite trivial things.
I feel scared without any good reason.
I tend to overreact to situations.
I feel tired most of the time.
I feel like I'm very close to panicking.
Yoga Is The Best Exercise Routine For You
Yoga Is The Best Exercise Routine For You
According to the results on this stress test, the best exercise routine for you is yoga! This mind-body exercise will strengthen your body's natural relaxation response and bring you into a healthy balance. The moving and stationary poses, combined with deep breathing, are exactly what you need to de-stress!
Tai Chi Is The Best Exercise Routine For You
Tai Chi Is The Best Exercise Routine For You
According to the results on this stress test, the best exercise routine for you is Tai Chi! Each move is meant to calm your mind and condition your body. Studies have shown that Tai Chi helps build bone density, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system. This activity is easy for people of all ages and can be incorporated into your everyday life routine so you can de-stress anytime and anywhere!
Kickboxing Is The Best Exercise Routine For You
Kickboxing Is The Best Exercise Routine For You
According to the results on this stress test, the best exercise routine for you is kickboxing! This exercise is a powerful means of reducing stress. Kickboxing helps improve your balance, flexibility, and coordination. On top of that it helps relieve frustration - releasing energy and anger which help you to relieve stress.
Team Sports Are The Best Exercise Routine For You
Team Sports Are The Best Exercise Routine For You
According to the results on this stress test, the best exercise routine for you are team sports! Whichever sport you choose, you'll get double the dose of stress relief. Not only are you enjoying yourself with loved ones, but you're working up a swear and releasing endorphins! It's a great, fun way to stay in shape and de-stress!