Tell Us How These Images Make You Feel And We'll Reveal Your Dominant Trait
Tell Us How These Images Make You Feel And We'll Reveal Your Dominant Trait
If you've ever taken an inkblot test you know that the way we perceive images and our subconscious are very intertwined. Take this test of images to find out what your most dominant trait is!
If you've ever taken an inkblot test you know that the way we perceive images and our subconscious are very intertwined. Take this test of images to find out what your most dominant trait is!

How does this image make you feel?
What about this one?
And this one?
Keep going...
Your Dominant Trait Is Curiosity
Your Dominant Trait Is Curiosity
According to your answers, your dominant trait is curiosity! You love having new experiences and developing new perspectives. You're creative and open minded, and tend to have a different approach to things than everyone else. Which is what makes you so special!
Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!
Your Dominant Trait Is Extraversion
Your Dominant Trait Is Extraversion
According to your answers, your dominant trait is extraversion! You're outgoing, sociable, and energetic! You love to be the center of attention and people willingly gravitate toward you and your positive energy!
Your upbeat personality makes everyone fall in love with you and always have a good time.
Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!
Your Dominant Trait Is Compassion
Your Dominant Trait Is Compassion
According to your answers, your dominant trait is compassion! You are kind, loving, and always hear people out. Everyone loves your for always listening to their problems and being so sympathetic. You're a very agreeable person and don't tend to get into fights with others.
Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!