Which Holiday Drink Are You?
Which Holiday Drink Are You?
Tis the season for eggnog and Irish coffees!
Tis the season for eggnog and Irish coffees!

What is your favorite holiday movie?
Which is your favorite holiday song?
Which holiday book is your favorite?
Which holiday food is your favorite?
Which holiday dessert is your favorite?
Choose your favorite decoration:
You Got Eggnog
You Got Eggnog
Your holiday drink is Eggnog! You absolutely love the holidays and the traditions that go with them! Time with your family, giving presents, and making homemade recipes are some of the things you love about this season. Your family loves you for always bringing the holiday spirit and your merriment keeps everyone alive!!
You Got Spiked Hot Apple Cider
You Got Spiked Hot Apple Cider
Your holiday drink is Spiked Apple Cider! Your favorite part about this drink is that it conceals the fact that you're actually drinking...so you won't get judged on having a warm apple cider at 9 am! This drink exemplifies your personality because you're easy-going and love to have a good time - especially during the holiday season.
You Got Christmas Punch
You Got Christmas Punch
Your holiday drink is Christmas Punch! You're the life of the party and constantly keep everyone entertained. You're a normally very happy person, but during the holidays you exude happiness from every pore! Whether it's your annual office party, a traditional family gather, or NYE, you're always the one popping bottles.